Almost 6,000 eTwinners participated in the 2017 survey and the results were presented in the eTwinning conference in Patras, Greece in November 2017.
90% of the respondents reported that the top skills most impacted by eTwinning are their ability to teach cross-curricular skills and project-based teaching skills.
However, eTwinning’s impact not only affects teachers but also their schools and students. Students are not only becoming more creative but also more collaborative with their teachers and fellow students.
Over 90% of respondents state that eTwinning has had a positive impact on increasing student motivation and fostering collaborative work among them.
eTwinning is an amazing foundation that fosters the development of a European collaborative culture: appreciating cultural diversity, international collaboration, collaborative learning and professional development!
The full report “eTwinning Twelve Years On: Impact on teachers’ practice skills, and professional development opportunities, as reported by eTwinners” will be online soon. Until then, check the article on the portal of eTwinning here or the summary of the report here.
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