Αρχική » Άρθρα με ετικέτα 'Italy'
Αρχείο ετικέτας Italy
TPM 2 Italy Report
Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students
Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810
The 2nd Erasmus+ Transnational Project Meeting was held between 24 – 26 of January in 2022, organized by V.E.M. srls, Reggio Calabria and IPALBTUR Villa San Giovanni at Reggio Calabria, Italy.
It was the third time that the representatives of the project’s consorcium could meet each other.
The participants of the third meeting arrived on the 22 nd and 23rd of January, most of them by plane.
On Monday, 24th of January 2022, the guests – 2 participants from each organization – were picked up at Hotel Lungomare Reggio Calabria and transferred to IPALBTUR, where the Headmistress of IPALBTUR Villa San Giovanni welcomed us. Each guest got the program, name card and some gifts from the host country. There was possibility for guided visit of the laboratories, then after the partner’s meeting the participants were invited for a delicious lunch. (περισσότερα…)
Roma in Italy
Presentations of IPALBTUR about Roma in the area and educational practices for their inclusion
IT Presentation of School Ipalb Tur
IT Real opportunities for ROMA students
TPM 2 Italy
Erasmus+ KA 201 Meeting at Ipalb Tur of Villa San Giovanni
“In addition to the work done together with colleagues, what particularly impressed us and that we were able to appreciate during this visit was the grace and professionalism of the reception of the students of the school that hosted us”. These are the words of appreciation of teachers and experts from Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Hungary who in recent days at the professional hotel and tourism institute of Villa San Giovanni participated, together with a representation of Ipalbtur teachers, in the Italian stage of the Erasmus project activities concerning the strategies for the integration of Roma students.
“This is a European project for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the context of actions and strategies to combat marginalization and social exclusion – explained Carmela Ciappina, school director of the Ipalb Tur of Villa San Giovanni – which has the objective of facilitating the school inclusion and educational success of Roma students, contrasting their early school leaving, improving access to their families’ social and health services. An important step, but certainly not exhaustive, since cooperation between the educational sector and the social and socio-health sectors and the participation of the Roma community itself are fundamental”. (περισσότερα…)
Roma in Italy, Roma in Reggio Calabria
The Roma, Sinti and Caminanti (RSC) communities in Italy are characterized by the heterogeneity of the groups, by their linguistic-dialectal variety, as well as by different cultures. The various attempts over the years to promote integration, inclusion and their recognition as a minority (national or linguistic), confirm the complexity of the condition of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti. This status quo can be well understood, if we take into account the fact that when we talk about RSC communities, we are referring to: Italian citizens; foreign citizens belonging to other EU countries; foreigners, citizens of non-European countries; foreigners, who have been granted the right to asylum or subsidiary protection; (de facto) stateless people, born in Italy from de facto stateless people In particular, it should be borne in mind that, at present, the minority of RSC is not concentrated in a specific area of the national territory, but rather spread throughout the country. (περισσότερα…)
Italian educational system
Stages of the education system
The Italian education and training system includes ECEC (0-3 and 3-6), primary, secondary, post- secondary and higher education.
Early childhood education and care (ECEC)
ECEC for children aged less than 3 years is offered by educational services (servizi educativi per l’infanzia) ECEC for children aged from 3 to 6 years is available at preprimary schools (scuole dell’infanzia).
The two offers make up a single ECEC [12] system, called ‘integrated system’, which is part of the education system and is not compulsory. Although being part of the same system, the ECEC 0-3 is organised by the Regions according to the single regional legislations, while the 3-6 offer is under the responsibility of the Ministry of education.
Compulsory education
Professional Hotel and Tourism Institute for Food and Wine and Hospitality Services (I.P.Alb.- Tur.)
The Professional Hotel and Tourism Institute for Food and Wine and Hospitality Services (I.P.Alb.- Tur.), Provides a five-year curriculum, divided as follows:
• a first two-year period that allows the learner to become familiar with all professional profiles offered by this school institution;
• a second two-year and a fifth year ending with the State Exam and the issue of the Diploma of Professional maturity related to the following joints: Service worker for food and wine:
Kitchen sector Employee for food and wine services: Option “artisan confectionery products and industrial companies “(introduced in school year 2015-16) Salesperson for food and wine services: Hall and Sales Sector Service worker for Hotel Hospitality. (περισσότερα…)
VEM SRLs Reggio Calabria Italy
V.E.M SRLs is a SME formed by a team of young people who have decades of experience in the field of education, vocational training and new technologies; V.E.M. is recognised as an effective, efficient and gender proactive institution for the promotion and development of the labour market sector in Calabria.
V.E.M SRLs combine business experience, technology expertise, and practical understanding of real-world business in order to provide customers with proven solutions in Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Planning, Business Process Modeling and Custom Application Development, Labour Market.