Αρχική » schools (Σελίδα 2)

Αρχείο κατηγορίας schools

Spain Roma in Spain

kids 5056458 1280Presentations about Roma in Spain



PORTUGAL Agrupamento de Escolas S. João da Talha São João da Talha, Lisbon, Portugal

The group of schools is composed of four elementary schools with kindergarten, one elementary school with classes from 5th to 9th years, and a secondary school, with 1876 students from preschool to secondary, 159 teachers and 48 educational action professionals. Our student audience belongs to a lower middle class, where 41 % of students receiving economic support, and 136 are disabled students. It is situated in the village of S. João da Talha in the suburbs of Lisbon. It has about 17,252 inhabitants (census 2011), spread over several neighborhoods. It is an urban village, where single-family dwellings or horizontal housing estates kind prevail. A small industry and trade are the dominant sectors. The majority of the population exerts its activity mainly in Lisbon and surroundings. (περισσότερα…)

UNICEF Convention for Children’ rights

Educational material for UNICEF Convention for Children’ rights

Presented and discussed to partner schools


Vocational school for transport and transportation management in Kazanlak

Vocational scbghool for transport and transportation management in Kazanlak is a school with over 60 years of history. Since its creation in 1956, the school has undergone many stages of transformation and has become a modern competitive educational institution with established prestige and authority in the rapidly changing conditions of the educational process, capable of forming students` knowledge, skills, national and human virtues in their preparation for socialization and professional realization. The high school offers training in four specialties: “Business Informatics”; “Automotive Mechatronics”; “Haulage Technic” and “Electrical Equipment for Transportation Technic”. In order to make our education more flexible and to keep our children in school, we also offer the possibility of an independent form of education. (περισσότερα…)

Szolnoki Muszaki SZC Klapka Gyorgy Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája

Our town is located in the middle of Hungary, about 100km from the capital, Budapest. Now six secondary schools belong to a school center. Our school has about 500 students at the secondary and adult levels of education, the school offers about 15 professions, e.g. waiters, cooks, cabinet makers, turners…etc. Our school includes vocational school, where they study for three years and ends in a professional examination and a four-year technical school with a matriculation examination.
Many of our students, mainly the Roma students are deprived from opportunities such as taking part in cultural life, intercultural exchanges and dialogue.


Professional Hotel and Tourism Institute for Food and Wine and Hospitality Services (I.P.Alb.- Tur.)


The Professional Hotel and Tourism Institute for Food and Wine and Hospitality Services (I.P.Alb.- Tur.), Provides a five-year curriculum, divided as follows:
• a first two-year period that allows the learner to become familiar with all professional profiles offered by this school institution;
• a second two-year and a fifth year ending with the State Exam and the issue of the Diploma of Professional maturity related to the following joints: Service worker for food and wine:
Kitchen sector Employee for food and wine services: Option “artisan confectionery products and industrial companies “(introduced in school year 2015-16) Salesperson for food and wine services: Hall and Sales Sector Service worker for Hotel Hospitality. (περισσότερα…)

Gymnasio Zipariou Kos Greece

Gymnasio Zipariou, Greece

Gymnasio Zipariou is a public school on the island of Kos. The school receives students from four small villages at a rural area around the city. It offers general secondary education and it has 25 teachers and 300 students, aged 12-15. The area of the school has received many immigrant and refugee families that work in the agricultural sector and the hotel industry. The students come from different social, financial and cultural backgrounds. The school aims at improving the education and the school life of all the students.


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