Βλ. άσκηση A, σελ. 35, Pupil’s Book, E′ τάξη
Say how you feel in the following situations—
The night before Santa Claus brings your presents:
Excited, happy, curious, thrilled.
When someone breaks your favourite toy:
Sad, upset, angry, disappointed.
When you don’t like a party but you cannot leave:
Bored, annoyed, uncomfortable, frustrated.
When you get the best mark in the class:
Proud, joyful, accomplished, confident.
When your best friend tells you lies:
Hurt, betrayed, confused, disappointed.
Ετικέτες: βίντεο, Ε’ τάξη, Καλή χρονιά!, λεξιλόγιο, Χριστούγεννα