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16 Φεβ 2024

Away from the Expectations of Others

Συντάκτης: Κων/νος Βούλγαρης | Κάτω από: Εκπαίδευση στον 21ο αιώνα

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Στη σελ. 34 του βιβλίου Pupil’s Book της ΣΤ’ τάξης βρίσκουμε μία δια- σκευή του έργου A Midsummer Night’s Dream του William Shakespeare.

Βασισμένος στο κείμενο αυτό, ανέπτυξα τους ρόλους με Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη. Πρόσθεσα και μερικούς ακόμη.

Τα παιδιά θα επιλέξουν τα λόγια που θέλουν να μάθουν για τη θεατρική μας παράσταση.







“I am Hermia’s father, and I demand she marry Demetrius.
[Ο Αιγέας λέει she marry και όχι she marries επειδή είναι υποτακτική, εξαρτώμενη από το I demand και, επιπλέον, θέλει να δώσει επίσημο τόνο.]
Why won’t Hermia obey my wishes?
I must find Hermia and fetch her back home.
Demetrius, you must help me find Hermia.
I will not rest until Hermia is wed to you.
I hope Hermia realises the seriousness of her situation.
I will not rest until Hermia is wed to Demetrius.
She must learn to respect her elders and follow tradition.
Hermia’s actions jeopardise her future.
I hope she realises the seriousness of her situation.”


“I love Lysander, but my father wants me to marry Demetrius. I don’t want to marry him.
I must escape with Lysander to the forest where we can be together.
Helena is my friend, but she loves Demetrius.
Why won’t my father understand my love for Lysander?
Lysander and I will find happiness together, away from the expectations of others.
I hope Lysander and I can find peace in the forest.
I feel so alone without Lysander by my side.
I wish my father would accept my love for Lysander.
Lysander means everything to me.
I will never stop loving Lysander, no matter what.”

“Hermia, I love you more than anything.
Nobody will separate us, not even your father.
In the forest, I can tell you how much I love you freely.
Every moment without you feels like forever.
I’m so confused about why I feel drawn to you, Hermia.
Helena, I’m sorry, but I love Hermia, not you.
Hermia, forgive me for the trouble I caused. I only love you.
No magic can make me stop loving you.
I promise to stay by your side no matter what, Hermia.
Let’s leave this weird forest and build our future together.”



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“I love Demetrius, but he doesn’t love me.
Why can’t Demetrius see how much I care for him?
I’ll follow Demetrius to the forest, maybe there he’ll notice me.
I’m tired of being ignored by Demetrius.
I wish Demetrius would love me back.
Maybe in the forest, Demetrius will finally realise my love for him.
I’ll do anything to win Demetrius’s heart.
Why does Demetrius only have eyes for Hermia?
I hope Demetrius will see me for who I am.
Maybe in the forest, I’ll find a way to make Demetrius love me.”

“Hermia, I have to marry you, it’s my duty.
I won’t change my mind because of feelings.
Helena, stop bothering me, I love Hermia.
I mean well even if it seems wrong.
In the forest, I feel lost and confused.
Why do I suddenly want to be with Helena?
I’m sorry for not seeing things clearly before.
I’ll love and take care of you always, Helena.
Magic won’t change my love for you.
Let’s forget the confusion and be together.”



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“I am the queen of the Amazons, soon to marry Theseus.
I wonder what adventures await us in the forest.
I hope Theseus will protect us on our journey.
I must prepare for our wedding ceremony.
I wonder if Titania and Oberon will attend our wedding.
I hope our marriage brings peace to the kingdom.
I hope our union strengthens the bond between our kingdoms.
Let’s make this journey a memorable one, Theseus.
I can’t wait to see the beauty of the forest.
I’ll make sure everything is ready for our wedding day.”

“I am the Duke of Athens, soon to marry Hippolyta.
I look forward to our journey through the forest.
I must ensure the safety of Hippolyta and our companions.
I hope our marriage brings prosperity to Athens.
I wonder what challenges lie ahead.
I’ll make sure to keep a watchful eye.
We’ll celebrate our union with a grand ceremony.
I’ll make sure our journey is nothing short of extraordinary.
Hippolyta, are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?
I’ll protect you with my life, my love.”



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“Why is Oberon so angry with me?
I feel so tired. Where am I?
Who is this handsome creature before me?
I feel a strange affection for him.
I must follow him. He’s my love!
Why is he running away from me?
Come back, my love! Don’t leave me!
I feel so confused. What’s happening?
Oberon, what have you done to me?
I need to find out what’s going on.”

“I must teach Titania a lesson.
Why won’t Titania listen to me?
Puck, come here! I have a plan.
I’ll make Titania fall in love with me again.
This love flower juice will do the trick.
I’ll make Titania fall for the first creature she sees. That will be me.
Now, let’s see how she reacts.
Why is Titania so infatuated with that donkey?
This wasn’t part of the plan.
Puck, fix this mess now!”



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“I love playing tricks on people.
I’ll turn Nick Bottom into a donkey. It’ll be hilarious!
Ha ha ha! Look at him run!
Now, let me give Oberon the magic juice.
Titania won’t know what hit her!
Time to have some fun with Lysander and Demetrius.
Ha ha ha! Look at them fall for the wrong people!
Oops! Maybe I went too far with the love flower.
I guess it’s time to fix everything.
Remember, it’s only a dream!”


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Peter Quince:
I am the director of the play within the play.
[Είμαι ο σκηνοθέτης του θεατρικού έργου μέσα στο θεατρικό έργο.]
I hope our performance goes smoothly.
I must ensure that all the actors are ready.
We need to rehearse our lines once more.
Where is Nick Bottom? He’s always late!
I hope the audience enjoys our play.
I’ll make sure everyone is in costume and ready to go.
This play will be the highlight of the festivities.
We must entertain the Duke and his guests with our talent.
Break a leg, everyone!”
[Αυτό σημαίνει «καλή τύχη!» και το λένε μεταξύ τους οι καλλιτέχνες στο θέατρο.]

Robin Starveling:
“I am one of the actors in Peter Quince’s play.
I hope I don’t forget my costume.
I must remember to speak clearly on stage.
I wonder if the audience will enjoy our performance.
I hope I don’t trip over my lines.
I’ll do my best to make Peter Quince proud.
What if I forget my lines?
I hope my costume fits properly tonight.
Just stay calm and focused, Starveling.
Maybe I should’ve practised more.”

“I am one of the actors in Peter Quince’s play.
I’m feeling a bit nervous about being on stage.
I hope I remember all my lines.
I hope I don’t mess up my performance.
I’ll do my best to make the audience laugh.
Just breathe, Snug. You’ve got this.
Remember to stay in character, even if things go wrong.
Maybe I should’ve rehearsed more.



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Nick Bottom:
“I am an actor, and we’re putting on a play in the forest.
I hope our play will be a success.
I wonder what’s happening in the forest tonight.
Wow! What just happened to me? Why do I feel strange?
Why are these people looking at me like I’m different?
I must run away from here!
What’s this? Why is this beautiful lady calling me her ‘love’?
I don’t want to be a donkey!
Help! Somebody help me!
I need to get away from here before things get worse.”



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