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4 Νοέ 2022

Soester Kirmes

Συντάκτης: Κων/νος Βούλγαρης | Κάτω από: Εκπαίδευση στον 21ο αιώνα

Die größ­te Alt­stadt­kir­mes in Eu­ro­pa

Soester Kirmes
Soest, Germany

The Soest Fair
Το πανηγύρι του Ζόοστ

The largest old town fair in Europe!
Το μεγαλύτερο πανηγύρι παλιάς πόλης στην Ευρώπη!

Hawkers and bull’s eyes in a pic­tur­esque old town set­ting: old tra­di­tions live on at the Soest All Saints’ Day Fair.

An old town sounds like a rather unlikely setting for a funfair, but every year in early November, visitors flock to Soest in Sauerland, Germany for a large and colourful funfair right in the heart of town.

This annual event takes place in a period of five days starting on the first Wednesday after All Saints’ Day.


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