“Party with Mr. Men and Little Miss”: Our story book!

Have you ever felt that things somehow fall into place, and you suddenly see they are going to work out just fine? Well, it was the case this last week of May. I really felt we were left behind on the project, but in a mysterious way there was finally time for us to complete the process.

First all the students wrote a story (in Greek), for a new character of Mr. Men or Little Miss. Then, they all read it aloud and then they voted for their favourites. We ended up with Ο κύριος Σοβαρός, written by Katerina.

The next time, we put the scenes down and illustrated the story. The Art teacher had helped immensely by asking the students to create a character for Ο κύριος Σοβαρός.

But, we did run out of time, so I created the video myself… And here it is:



“Party with Mr. Men and Little Miss”: Little Miss Contrary and Mr. Cheerful (with a visit from Little Miss Splendid)

The last two Roger Hargreaves books we dealt with in class were Little Miss Contrary and Mr. Cheerful. The students were willing to read the books this time, page by page, and I was very pleased they are feeling comfortable in Greek -it’s an important “step” if they are to be comfortable with English, a year from now. They also paid attention to what was being read, and even added their own “colour” as they read.

They were introduced to opposites like “black – white” and “day – night”, and also elements of British culture (with Little Miss Splendid). I explained to them that next time we are going to start working on creating our own “Little Miss” or “Mr. Men” character or book, and they were thrilled! It remains to be seen if we can actually do it, or if it’s too much to ask…