Pardon a Thanksgiving turkey!

No, dear smiling Greek student of a little town school who thinks he knows everything, we don’t celebrate Black Friday today. Today is Thursday, and it is Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is one of my most favourite celebrations. I really like the “Count your blessings” message, and I think it has a very special place in the teaching and learning process, too. This year I chose my 5th grade students to do a fun activity of collaborative colouring of a turkey, on the feathers of which the students glued what they were thankful for.


I also find this worksheet very useful. It’s simple and explanatory. Or, you can check out numerous videos available. Just don’t let the kids grow up thinking Black Friday is actually a holiday. That would be a sin on an English teacher’s soul. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tales of Beatrix Potter in the EFL classroom presentation on September 7, 2017

In the hot summer month of July I was fortunate enough to have been invited by the School Advisor, Ms Marianthi Kotadaki, to present the work I did on Beatrix Potter during 2016-17 with my then 3rd grade students. The presentation took place at a seminar meeting on September 7, in Pyrgos. This is where you can have a look at it, if you are interested in obtaining a general picture, instead of reading all my blog posts about the project. Enjoy!