It was really fun today, to have each student of E1 study the way to say “Happy Easter” in a certain language, and then practise it until they were able to write it down to a piece of paper with their name on, as well. Nobody else knew which language they were given, so the guessing began! The person who was able to guess at the first try, was the winner. And the winner was the person who understood the Chinese way to say “Happy Easter”, and then he taught it to the rest of the class. After that, during the break, they all rushed to meet the Chinese student of D1 class of our school, to wish him a Happy Easter in his own language!
Happy Easter! (English)
Καλό Πάσχα! (Greek)
Sretan Uskrs! (Croatian)
Frohe Ostern! (German)
Buona Pasqua! (Italian)
God Påske! (Norwegian)
Glad Påsk! (Swedish)
Paskalya Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun! (Turkish)
Felices Pascuas! (Spanish)
Joyeuses Pâques! (French)
Fùhuójié Kuàilè! (Chinese)
Hreestohs Vahskryesye! (Russian)
Hyvää Pääsiäistä! (Finnish)
Selamat Paskah! (Indonesian)