Επώνυμο: | Πανσεληνάς | |
Όνομα: | Γεώργιος | |
Ιδιότητα – Θέση Ομιλητή: | Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Πληροφορικής Αν. Κρήτης | |
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό: | Giorgos Panselinas holds a degree in Computer Science (1992), a Master’s degree in Education (Didactics of Computer Science) (2000) from the University of Crete Greece, a PhD degree in Education (ICT in Education) from the University of Patras Greece (2006) and a second Master’s degree in Adult Education (2014) from the Hellenic Open University. He has been a teacher of Computer Science in Greek secondary education since 1994. He has been a school advisor in Secondary Education since 2007. His publications and research interests concern the sociocultural approach to teaching-and-learning in schools with particular interest in educational discourse, computer-assisted learning and Didactics of Computer Science. | |
Επικοινωνία: | panselin@gmail.com | |
Ιστοσελίδα: | plirancrete.sch.gr |
Λίστα Σεμιναρίων