Αρχική » Άρθρα με ετικέτα 'Bulgaria'
Αρχείο ετικέτας Bulgaria
LTTA 2 Bulgaria Report
Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students
Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810
The second LTTA took place between 03-07 October 2022 in Bulgaria, Kazanlak. The participants were professionals and teachers that work with Roma students and Roma people.
The participants of the meeting arrived at Bulgaria on the 2nd of October, most of them by plane, some of them by car. On Monday, 3rd of October 2022, the guests were welcomed at Vocational School of Transport and Management, the headmaster, Dechko Peychinov opened the meeting.
The participants could meet the representatives of local Social Service, Education Department and non-governmental organization from Stara Zagora region.
During the five working days, we could share different methods of teaching and learning (e.g. tale, historical event, a concept/ ethical category, music). We discussed about the using of action methods and visual tools as effective way of teaching in mixed ability classes, classes with children from different ethnic background, reluctant learners who often fail state exams or draw the test scores down.
The Roma Of Bulgaria – Roma in Kazanlak
The Roma Of Bulgaria
Today’s Roma living in Bulgaria settle here at different times, coming from different places. The first Roma wave to the Balkans was in the 11th, 13th, 14th centuries. Due to the different names given to the Roma by Byzantine and other historians, it is not clear since when the first reports of the arrival of Gypsies in the Balkans date back. According to most gypsyologists, for the first time gypsies, under the name “atsingani”, are described in “Life of St. George of Athos”, dated back to 1100, telling about events from the middle of the 11th century.
Research shows that the first reliable springs for permanent settlements of Gypsies in Bulgaria are barely from the 13th-14th century. New groups of Roma settled with the arrival of the Turks and in the following centuries. In the 17th and 18th centuries, they were joined by Roma fleeing Wallachia and Moldova, where they had the status of slaves at the time. This gradually changed the source of Roma migrations in the Bulgarian lands – not from Asia Minor, but from the territories of today’s Romania. (περισσότερα…)
Bulgarian educational system
Bulgarian educational system
Stages of the Education System
Early Childhood Education and Care
Early childhood education and care is managed by local authorities, and is not part of the State’s responsibilities, between the ages of 0 – 3. Between the ages of 3 – 6/7 it becomes part of the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Kindergartens are institutions within the pre-school and school education system for raising, education, and socialization of children from age of 3 up to the age of 7 (entering first class) in line with the state pre-school education standard. Children aged 2 can also enter kindergarten in line with the conditions and rules of the Law on Pre-School and School Education.
Vocational school for transport and transportation management in Kazanlak
Vocational school for transport and transportation management in Kazanlak is a school with over 60 years of history. Since its creation in 1956, the school has undergone many stages of transformation and has become a modern competitive educational institution with established prestige and authority in the rapidly changing conditions of the educational process, capable of forming students` knowledge, skills, national and human virtues in their preparation for socialization and professional realization. The high school offers training in four specialties: “Business Informatics”; “Automotive Mechatronics”; “Haulage Technic” and “Electrical Equipment for Transportation Technic”. In order to make our education more flexible and to keep our children in school, we also offer the possibility of an independent form of education. (περισσότερα…)