Φεβρουάριος 2013 αρχείο


Aim: to write the story chosen by France


  1. To familiarize pupils with the structure of stories
  2. Enable pupils to write a story on their own
  3. Enable pupils to use pictures to illustrate a story
  4. Pupils should be able to evaluate their story

Learning outcomes:

  1. To be able to read a story and answer reading comprehension questions
  2. To be able to distinguish the main characters and the temporal sequence of events
  3. To be able to discern the “imaginary” element (magic means, personification) in the story
  4. To be able to modify information from the story using their ideas thus affecting the plot of the story
  5. To be able to narrate the “reversed” version of the story
  6. To be able to summarize the story (orally)
  7. To be able to continue the story after a certain point
  8. To be able to write with correct spelling, using basic punctuation marks, adjectives in description, dialogue and paragraphs
  9. To evaluate their writing in terms of grammar, syntax, structure and content.
  10. To cooperate with other pupils in order to produce a story. To be able to listen to and accept other ideas.
  11. To be able to depict the scene of a story by painting
  12. To be able to use their imagination, express their ideas and have fun at the same time.

The story was written by pupils of two classes of third grade of the 6th Primary School of Patras, Greece, who cooperated during January 2013.The timetable followed for the writing of the story is described in full detail in the next paragraph. It contains the techniques and the means used for writing the story. The teachers used the pupils’ existing knowledge and their capabilities (children aged 8-9 years).The project was integrated into the subject of ‘Language” and the school curriculum. Our suggestions provide ideas that every teacher can use in order to make writing easier for our pupils.

1st activity –Starting point

  • Pupils were asked to read at home a folk tale from their book (Anthology of Greek Literature, p.50), entitled: “The mouse and his daughter”.
  • The following day, the teacher read the story loud in the classroom and then asked pupils to tell the story in a few words (orally).The teacher emphasized the fact that it was a folk tale which meant that this story was not written in a book but was passed from generation to generation orally.

Allocated time: 1 teaching hour

Alternatively, the other class teacher narrated well-known stories like Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, etc. The aim was to make pupils familiar with the structure of fairytales. During the narration, pupils were asked to fill in a table with the most significant information. Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης

The goat and her 7 goat kids

Once upon a time in a beautiful green forest there was a wolf, a very hungry wolf. He lived in a tiny wooden house. In the evenings he used to lie down next to the river. His favourite food was roast goat with potatoes.

One day, he was searching his fridge for some goat meat to cook, but he found nothing. Then he decided to go to the opposite mountain to look for goats. He had heard from his friend Mr. Bear, that there lived a clever goat, Nana, with her seven kids.

Nana was a white goat. She had 7 little goat kids which she took care of a lot. She used to feed them, clean them dress them and put them to bed every single day. She would often read them a bedtime story and play with them. Whenever she had to leave home for shopping, she advised them not to open the door to anyone. Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης

Wawel’s dragon

[issuu layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=130227175239-29a4e0f609944cf7b99e56b1306caa9d docname=wawel_s_dragon username=6thelempatras loadinginfotext=wawel’s%20dragon showhtmllink=true width=420 height=158 unit=px]

Επίσκεψη Βούλας Μάστορη

Η βραβευμένη συγγραφέας, κυρία Βούλα Μάστορη, επισκέφτηκε την Α1 τάξη του σχολείου μας την Τετάρτη 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2013.
Οι μικροί, αρχάριοι αναγνώστες της πρώτης τάξης είχαν την ευκαιρία και τη χαρά να ακούσουν τη συγγραφέα να τους μιλάει για τα παραμύθια
και άλλα παιδικά έργα της ιδίας. Στη συνέχεια, οι μαθητές μας συζήτησαν με την κυρία Μάστορη και έθεσαν ερωτήματα στη συγγραφέα για τη ζωή της,
ενώ παράλληλα έδωσαν την ιδέα ενός παραμυθιού με ήρωα ένα μαγικό σύννεφο. Την ευχαριστούμε από καρδίας,
Οι μαθητές, μαθήτριες και η εκπαιδευτικός της Α1 τάξης.

Εκδήλωση για την παγκόσμια ημέρα μητρικής γλώσσας

Στις 21 Φεβρουαρίου το Δ2 του σχολείου μας επισκέφτηκε το 33ο ολοήμερο νηπιαγωγείο Πατρών, για να γιορτάσουν μαζί την παγκόσμια ημέρα μητρικής γλώσσας.

Τα παιδιά είχαν ετοιμάσει πόστερ και γλυκά, είπαν φράσεις στην μητρική τους γλώσσα (ελληνικά, αλβανικά, αρμένικα, βουλγάρικα κ.ά.). Τα νήπια, επίσης, τραγούδησαν και ένα αλβανικό παιδικό τραγούδι. Ακολούθησε συζήτηση για τη μητρική γλώσσα και την αξία της.

Αλλαγή μεγέθους γραμματοσειράς