Toyland: December 2022 Activities


Συγγραφέας: ΠΟΠΗ ΠΑΤΣΑΤΖΗ | Κατηγορία ToyLand: a STEAM journey in time | , στις 22-11-2022

1st Activity: My favourite toys or games


Click on the link and write your favourite toys or games in the Mentimeter. URL:

Click on the underneath icon to take a look at  the results:

IMG 20221202 093737 IMG 20221202 093818
2nd Activity: A Letter to Santa Claus

Dear students,

At Christmas we traditionally get presents. Each student writes a letter to Santa Claus and asks him for the toy he/she would like for this year! Then upload the letter in the Google Presentation.

Letter to Santa


This is the final cooperative presentationURL:

Uploaded students letters URL: 


Santa Claus kolaz

3rd Activity:Making collaboratively a Christmas calender

Dear students,

Christmas is a time of joy, a time for love and cheer, a time for making memories, to last throughout the year…






We will collaboratively create a calendar in MyAdvent. For each day in December we will upload a funny activity for our students.


Advents Kalender

4th Activity: Making a timeline post about toys history and evolution in time


Dear students,

in this cooperative activity, each student adds a timeline post on the Padlet with information and multimedia material about about toys history and evolution in time!

All Schools Padlet :  All Schools Toys Timeline

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