1.Transnational meeting in Athens
Video από τη συνάντηση της Αθήνας :
Guided walking tour at the centre of Athens 21.11.2017
2. Transnational meeting in Latvia
18.-21.6.2018, RUJIENA, LATVIA
Monday 18.6.2018
Meeting at the airport, lunch in Riga and trip by bus to Valmiera and dinner together
Tuesday 19.6.2018 in Rujiena
-Trip by bus to Rujiena
-Guided tour through the kindergarten Varpina
-Workshop: discussing about important project work tasks, google drive and eTwinning
-Lunch in kindergarten
-Visiting local Exhibition hall with guide and seeing two art exhibitions
-Visiting local handicraft-center
-Welcome Party in kindergarten Varpina with families and midsummer festivities
-Workshop: discussions about next activities and information about LTT C2 in Finland, Oulu
-Settling dates for LTT3 meeting in Crete, 6.-10.5.2019
-Dinner at cafe Eda
Trip by bus to Valmiera
Wednesday 20.6.2018 in Valmiera
-Visiting and having guided tour in local private kindergarten Spiriditis
-Visiting and having guided tour in local municipal kindergarten Burtins
-Lunch in Valmiermuiza
-Guided tour in the local brewery Valmiermuiza
-Visiting Valmiera local history museum and seeing two art exhibitions
-Tea-tasting in museum
-Dinner at restaurant Vecpuisis
Thursday 21.6.2018 in Riga
-Trip to Riga by bus
-Guided walking tour in Riga old town
-Goobbye to latvian partners
-Travelling day
Every time we have either TPM or LTT meeting there must be done two piecies of certificate of attendance with everybody’s signature, one for the hosting country and one fot the coordinator. In addison to that every participant must have his/her own personal certifacation of attendance.
Both eTwinning and Google drive will be in use in the future. Google drive will contain all the things in common practise and eTwinning is used in publication of the results.
Collages are best when using TwinSpace and photos must downsize before downlouding
To padlet you can make video about photos with MovieMaker, childrens’ faces must be covered
Responsibilities agreed:
-Finland writes reports from the meetings and shares them to all
-Rena in Greek takes care about photos
-Madars in Latvia deals with Google drive
-Popi in Crete deals with eTwinning
Popi will make a file for each country in TwinSpace in which we can downloud surplus activities and good practisies that are not in project’s plan. Other countries can read and comment these, maybe have good tips for own plans too.
In Google drive Madars will make a file ”brainstorm”. To it everybody can write suggestions about activities.
Planned indoor activity for the next year:
-Play a game –day with parents
-Doing a game at home and teach it to other families
These two can also be comibined to one. This gives to foriegn families a possibility to teach something new for example to finnish families too.
The rules of these games will be shared home to every family.
We can also share games between partners of our project and have a playing game day together. This will be a new page to our Family activitybook.
To Rena’s notice during last year fathers don’t participate in Greek so Father’s day is a possible to be one of next years activities.
Finland’s partners have noticed that families get easily tired so there can’t be too many activities next year.
Next autumn in the beginning of term every coutry has an information evening for parents. Then we will make a inquiry for parents what kind of activities they are interested in. Rena will make suggestions and share them for others. Every family can choose only three possible activities. Answers will be downloud to Google drive. In the next meeting in Finland we will decide next year activities according to these answers.
We discussed about Family’s activity book and consired it as a memory for families and children. After years there will be nice moments while whatching and reading it.
3.Transnational meeting – Belgium
Transnational meetings (erasmus) από Νηπιαγωγείο Κεντριού διατίθεται με άδεια χρήσης Creative Commons -Αναφορά Δημιουργού – Μη Εμπορική Χρήση – Παρόμοια Διανομή4.0.