Αρχική » 2021 » Νοέμβριος

Αρχείο μηνός Νοέμβριος 2021

Erasmus Culture Heritage and Gamification in Education

gamification 01 Αντιγραφή

Erasmus plus KA227, School Education, Innovation

Title: « Culture heritage and Gamification in Education»

Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA227-SCH-094519

Read more at the website of the project

“Culture Heritage and Gamification in Education” is related to the utilization of cultural heritage in education, by integrating the strategy of gamification in the modern school. As technology influences and is influenced by culture, and in this context, dialogue between them is more relevant and imperative than ever. The integration of this strategy is dictated by both pedagogical and socio-economic reasons, which stem from the influence of science and technology in the modern world. The digitization of cultural heritage and its integration into various subjects in school should go with an integrated approach to cultural heritage that, instead of isolating it from everyday life, encourages interaction between it and civil society.

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