Αρχική » 2021 » Οκτώβριος

Αρχείο μηνός Οκτώβριος 2021

Teacher training at learners’ assessment and digital tools

KA1 School Education 2015-1-EL01-KA101-013558
The project “Teacher training at learners’ assessment and digital tools” is implemented by a consortium of Directorate of Secondary Education in the Dodecanese and two secondary schools, Secondary School of Gennadi and 4th Upper Secondary School of Rhodes.
The project aims at teachers’ training in two modules
A) Learners’ assessment
B) Digital tools

The objective of learners’ assessment training is to acquire knowledge and competences relevant to alternative forms of assessment, their interconnection with exams and learners’ evaluation and the assessment of individual skills not included in curriculum subjects. A second objective is the differentiated organization of teaching and learning in the framework of exams along with implementation of innovative teaching practices and activities that reinforce individual and social development of learners and create positive school climate.

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