Traditional Greek Christmas

Το παρόν σχέδιο μαθήματος είναι βασισμένο σε ένα webquest που συντάχθηκε από την εκπαιδευτικό κατά την υλοποίηση του ΕΝ4HOST Erasmus έργο.
Christmas is the most celebrated holiday of the year. Greece isn’t a traditional Christmas holiday destination but it has a lot of traditions that have been carried on from many years ago. Many travelers decide every year to take a trip to Greece for Christmas. It’s your job to travel them to our traditions with all their senses to be sure that it will be one of the most unforgettable holidays of their life!

How do we celebrate Christmas in Greece?

Imagine that you are living in one of the following geographic regions: Crete, Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands, Peloponnese, Central Greece, Epirus, Thessaly, Macedonia or Thrace. Each team has to learn how each of these regions celebrates Christmas (traditions-customs-food) and make a presentation. Then we’ll have to find the ones that are most common all over the country and discuss their differences and similarities. After that, we will create an e-cookbook with Christmas recipes and a brochure about Christmas destinations in Greece.


Step 1

Students in groups of 3 start work together using the following instructions:

a) Research traditions and customs using the internet. Pay attention to the links on the Task page. Here are some extra links you will find useful:

Christmas traditional food in Greece

Greek Diples Recipe (Christmas Greek Pastry with Honey)

Melomakarona recipe (Greek Christmas Honey Cookies)

b) Prepare a presentation using Powerpoint or Prezzi (Worksheet1) and present it to your classmates trying to make them decide it’s worth to visit your region at Christmas. Do not forget to give information about:

– What can they do in your region during the Chrismas period?

– Which traditional festivities are held to your region from December to January?

Step 2

Students collaborate to find the most common traditions and customs and talk with the other teams about the similarities and the differences.

Step 3

Then they have to find the differences on the recipes that are followed in every region and to complete the Table on Worksheet 2.

Step 4

Students will be divided into two new groups.

Students in group A will choose the recipes they like and then they will create an e-cooking book with them (Worksheet 3) via .

Students in group B will create a brochure about Christmas in Greece: Holiday Destinations (Worksheet 4).

This is how your work will be evaluated.

Beginning Developing Qualified Exemplary Score               /20
Teamwork There is one person doing all the work, and the team is NOT working together. The team is working individually on their own role, and using limited talked with others in a group Team is working together, but not using the inflammation to connect with one another. The whole team is working together, helping each other out, and connecting information with one another.
Research / Understanding Don’t use sources given & information is not factual.Student lacked knowledge on what different customs, traditions, and cultural backgrounds each region has. Use sources were given.Students understood information but couldn’t apply it to their projects Use sources given, and students understood information but lacked creativity and informational facts Use sources, get all information asked, and goes beyond to get and applied extra information to give to their classmates a better idea of how different regions at Greece celebrate Christmas
Presentations No creativity to their presentation, such a little information that classmates aren’t able to understand how that region celebrates Christmas in a different way. Students created a presentation with only text and nothing else. Students were able to create a good presentation. Great creativity, students are able to understand how this region celebrates Christmas. Students were able to design traditions & able to involve Christmas carols (music) into their presentations.
Final project

E-book / Brochure

No final project Final project is lacking key components. Final project contains all key components Final project contains all key components and some extra information so it is complete and more useful to anyone interested in its theme.

The web quest is designed to develop the critical thinking skills in children. This web quest teaches students about Traditional Greek Christmas.

I hope you all had fun and explored our traditions, customs, food and beautiful winter destinations during Christmas holidays. I hope this will help you understand the differences /similarities to the cultures we have throughout every region and feel how strong is our tradition, and maybe follow some older customs, that seem to be disappeared, to your family this Christmas!

This WebQuest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2 partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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