Name tags

Name tags are so useful for teachers: apart from their obvious function ( to make teachers’ life easier and help them remember their students!) they can be used in other instances.

 I will use mine in order to establish the following routine: I call out a name, ‘George, where are you?’, George comes forth, says ‘Here I am!’, I give him his name tag saying ‘Here you are’, he says ‘Thank you’ and I say ‘You’re welcome’.

Name tags can also be used to form groups for collaborative activities (could be Simon-says-type). When, for instance, animals have been taught all students with a certain animal will have to do something (e.g. bark), or when colours have been taught students can be grouped according to the colour of their name tag (yellow birdies clap their hands) etc, etc.

They needn’t be fancy: 3 or 4 free clipart animals that allow some space to write the name of the pupil drawn on cardboard (of 2 or 3 different colours), laminated and suspended by a colourful piece of yarn.

Just don’t forget to make one for the Kindergarten teacher or else s/he will be very jealous!!!

Here some pics: