Project: Customs

This project is for my 4th Graders and it is based on the Coursebook Unit 5 Lesson 3 Habits and Customs.  Firstly, using the Quest button on my interactive book in class I gave my students the stimulus and the idea to look for more information. Because this would be a presentation project I decided to use flipgrid app so they can get the chance to enjoy and practise at the same time. After, students formed their own groups and I structured the project in steps which I gave them in writing.    

STEP 1: 

Find information about Christmas customs in other countries and talk about similarities and differences.

You can look at:


Write down your information and separate it into parts so that everybody in your team can present one part.

 For example,

  • Season and the weather
  • Decorations
  • Food and drinks
  • Events

You can use expressions like “In Greece, people ….. whereas in Great Britain ……”

Once you have all the necessary information organized you should practise your presentation.


You visit and you use the join code to join the course and the particular topic to record your PRESENTATION! REMEMBER YOU CAN RECORD ON OR OFF CAMERA!

Parent consent signature: 


Project: Interview with a famous person

This is a project based on 5th Grade Student’s book Unit 2, Lesson 1, Exercise H (Portfolio). The educational purpose was to use reverse classroom practice so as to give students more time to practise their speaking skills. To this end, I asked my students to form pairs and suggested their using flipgrid which is a Microsoft educational tool that extends classroom time and space. So I structured this project in the following steps:


Educational Scenario:

Imagine you are a reporter from the school newspaper. You are taking a similar interview with a famous person you like and admire, like the one in Lesson 2, page 30. It can be an interview with an athlete, a singer, an actor/ actress, a writer, a painter, etc.


Write 4 or 5 questions and add the answers you got. Use magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, the Internet, or the class books for your Greek lessons – eg. Anthologio for information.

Από <>


We are very happy to have such a famous person here today.

  • How did you become so famous?
  • How many hours do you …………………………… ( famous person’s activity) each day?
  • Do you enjoy life in…………………………. (name of country)?
  • What do you ……………………….in the evenings in (name of country)
  • What do you have to recommend to young children who want to………………………….. at a professional level?

Thank you. It was a pleasure having you here.


As soon as you find the answers to the above questions -REMEMBER YOU CAN ADD QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS YOU WANT- practise your interview with your partner.


You visit make an account using your mail and a password. Then you use the join code to join the course and the particular topic to record your interview! REMEMBER YOU CAN RECORD ON OR OFF CAMERA (OPTIONS ARE CAMERA OR AUDIO)! 


This is the invite link you can use:

STEP 5: (alternative option)

If you want, you can make a poster of the interview and add drawings, magazine pictures or anything else that can make your writing look nice.

I really enjoy seeing the laughs and the joy of my students getting involved in such activities!


UNIT 1. My Geography Project: My Greece (6th GRADE)

This project was based on the layout of the Geography project, Lesson 3, Unit 1 of the 6th Grade Coursebook and its purpose was to foster the 4 Cs (Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication) on an educational level and to practise Speaking and Writing skills on a linguistic level.

The format of their educational product followed the layout of the book because this would give them a rubric to refer to. More specifically the layout was the following:

  • Name of Country-Borders
  • Landscape
  • Weather
  • People
  • Feelings 

Students were divided into 5 groups of 4. They needed to compose a product namely write a report by working the first 4 parts. Each group needed also to decice who of its members would undertake to find the material for each aspect of the topic apart form the last one -Feelings- which they had to discuss and write on a plenary level in class time. When they finished, their report was handed in and made into a presentation which was discussed in class.

Μετάβαση στο

Corrections and new instructions were given and the groups were assigned with a different task: Each group needs now to work on ONE of the five dimensions of the project and bring visual material as well.

Project in process….

Project: My school

This is a 4th Grade crosscurricular project and it is based on the school student’s book Unit 1 Lesson 3 “This is my school!” Students will take an interview from a school teacher in Greek so as to gather the information needed and then they will use flipgrid app to present an interview between them with the linguistic purpose of practising their speaking skills. The project is structured in steps and instructions were given as follows: 

Step 1: 

Read the questions carefully and write down the answers.

  • Where is your school?
  • How old is it?
  • Is it big or small?
  • How many floors are there?
  • How many classrooms are there?
  • Is there a large playground?
  • Is there a computer room?
  • Is there a music room?
  • Are there any football fields or basketball courts?
  • How many classes are there?
  • How many teachers are there?
  • How many pupils are there?

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Step 2:

Take pictures of some classes and any special rooms your school has. You can also draw a map of your school. Your English teacher will help you take the pictures and print them. You can create a photo album/poster for the class. 

Step 3:

Visit the following link www. infoflipgrid and record your interview on Flipgrid on CAMERA OR AUDIO ONLY: Join the group by using the code:

Join Code:

Parent Consent Signature:



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