Unit 1. A leaflet from a native English speaking country

Unit 1, Lesson 3, Pages 22,134


A leaflet from a Native English speaking country

Educational scenario

Students collect information about countries whose official language is English. They will create a leaflet by using material they find by different sources and they will present in class. For their presentation they can use a PPT or make their own paper leaflet. After the presentation they can store the information they collected in a plastic bottle in class as a time capsule.

Educational Purpose

Students practice research, writing and presentation skills. They also learn how to cooperate and in order to enhance the feeling of working together towards a target we named the groups after the Harry Potter story.

Project Plan

Step 1

Students are grouped into 5 teams of 5 members and they are assigned a native English speaking country. For this year the groups have been assigned the following countries:

Group Names: Countries

  1. Gryffindor: Ireland
  2. Slithering: Australia
  3. Hufflepuff: New Zealand
  4. Ravenclaw: The USA
  5. Order of Phoenix: Canada

Step 2

Collect information about the country you are assigned. You may use encyclopedias, Geography books, tourist guides, web sites or anything else you find useful. Present the information in class with pictures of the country and some short texts giving basic information about this country (You may use text from p. 22 for help).

For the creation of this project you may find helpful to use the following pieces of information:

1.Name of the country, borders and general info e.g how old the country is, the most important historical fact and a map.

2. Pictures of Landmarks e.g The Big Ben for the UK.


3. A poem or any other literature excerpt by the most famous writer of the country


4. Other important and famous people e.g. politicians, heroes, actors and actresses


5. A song e.g  a traditional one or a famous one –use the YouTube link for the presentation and you can also write a part of it on the poster


6. A recipe e.g this could be something very simple but traditional for the country.


7. Any piece of information you think it is important and represents the country.


Step 3

Once students collect the pieces of information and the relevant pictures they create a PPT using the material. (If you cannot create a PPT the teacher will do that for you as long as you provide the information. Note that you need to write the different parts of your work on little pieces of paper for storing them in capsules)


Step 4

Students present their PPT


Step 5

Students store the material in a capsule to keep it in class.

Project in process….



UNIT 1. My Geography project: My favourite country (6th GRADE)

Based on the 6th Grade Coursebook, Lesson 3, Page10


My Geography project

Educational scenario

Students work in groups and find information about a country of their choice in order to upload it on the school blog and inform younger students. They also need to find photos, maps or whatever they like to attach. They may bring pictures from magazines, prior to the activity or find them in the internet.

Once the students are done with their research and the collection of their material, they need to present their work and include it in their portfolio. Then, they are encouraged to stick their collective project on the school board where other pupils or parents can see. If students have friends in other countries, they are encouraged to e-mail their work.

Educational purpose:

Students are encouraged to practice their research, creative and communicative skills by finding relevant info and sort it out, by creating drawings or maps and by collecting material.

Project Plan

Step 1

Students are grouped in 4 teams, discuss and decide which country they are going to work on. For this year, my students decided to work on:

Group 1: FRANCE


Group 3: CHINA

Group 4: JAPAN

Step 2

Students gather information and material to bring in class which falls into the following categories:

  • Name of the country and borders
  • Landscape
  • The Weather
  • The People
  • Writers’ opinion

Step 3

Students collaborate in class by discussing their material and decide which of it is going to be included in each category. They write 4 paragraphs entitled with the above mentioned categories. They stick their text and the creative and/or printed material on a poster. They can also include the text into their personal portfolios.

Step 4

The teacher collects their work and creates a Sway which presents students’ collective work and educational product and post it on the school blog.


5th Grade, Project, Coursebook Unit 7, Lesson 3, Crossculicular Project 2

  1. Choose a personality from your History book and say what makes them unique.
    1. Use other sources to find out more about them.
    2. Work in groups and present the information on a cardboard using pictures and short texts giving an outline of his/her life and deeds.
    3. You may use the above text for guidance.

UNIT 4. “The Fall of Icarus” Project (6th GRADE)

Based on a project of Unit 4, Coursebook of 6th Grade Primary Schoolbook, my two classes of 6th Graders created poems and paintings inspired by the story of Icarus. Following, you can find the sways presenting their amazing work.


Μετάβαση στο sway.office.com.


Μετάβαση στο sway.office.com.

UNIT 2. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream Project (6th GRADE)





Students familiarize themselves with the play of the most well known English play writer William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and have the chance to read a literature text. With the help of the FLIPGRID app, they will also practise their speaking and presentation skills by recording their roles on FLIPGRID TOPIC designed exclusively for their class on FLIPGRID APPLICATION.

Before you start, make sure you have your parents’ consent!

Parent Consent signature



Read the text so that get familiar with the text.


Decide on the roles each one is going to perform.


Practise lines.


Decide on the material to use. For example, costumes ,wigs and masks.



and enter the join code ( I will give you in class) on the upper right corner.

Then you have three options to log in:

  1. by using a GOOGLE ACCOUNT by entering your CREDENTIALS
  2. by using a MICROSOFT ACCOUNT by entering your CREDENTIALS
  3. by using an APPLE ACCOUNT by using your CREDENTIALS


Once you GET IN the topic you can go to ADD TO TOPIC and click on it to record your video or audio.

Then you click on ADD TO TOPIC BUTTON the following will appear and you will have the option of recording by choosing either the video button (number 1 on the following picture) or the audio button (number 2). Then you click on the central button (number 3) to record. AFTER your recording you click on button number 4 to go to the next page.

Here you can listen to or watch your recording and check it or you can even add to that if you click the + symbol. If you feel that you have finished then click on the NEXT  button to move on.

On the next page you add a title (which is optional) for your recording (number 1) and then you click POST TO TOPIC (number 2).

Then the above message appears. You have successfully added your recording to topic and you can click the GO TO TOPIC BUTTON to visit it.

On the page of the topic your response appears!

It is a great application to practise your speaking skills and a wonderful opportunity for your teacher to comment on your responses!


Your English Teacher

Claire Dagoula                                                                                                             


1. Narrator:

In Ancient Greece there is a girl named Hermia who loves a young man Lysander. However, her father says she must marry Demetrius but she does not want to. She and Lysander escape to a forest.

Helena is Hermia’s friend and loves Demetrius.

Helena and Demetrius also run away to the forest. Soon, they get tired and they fall asleep under the trees.

In the forest, there is Nick Bottom, an actor and his group, who are putting on a play. Farther through the forest the queen of fairies Titania is arguing with her husband, Oberon who is very angry with her. So, he sends Puck, the playful sprite, to bring the juice from the love flower to make her love him again.

2. Puck:

Ha, ha! I’ll play a trick on all these people! I’ll turn this man to a donkey. Abracadabra! You, Nick Bottom, are a donkey! (Nick becomes a donkey)

3. Oberon: (angrily)

Give me the magic juice. I’ll put some of it in Titania’s eyes myself. When she wakes up, she will fall in love with the first one she sees. This will be me.

4. Titania:

Where am I? (Looking at Nick Bottom) Oh, my love! Who are you? You are so handsome!

5. Nick: (running away)

Help! Help!

4. Titania:

Where are you going my love! Come back to me!

2. Puck:

Ha, ha, ha! Let me put some flower juice in Lysander’s eyes now.

Lysander: (wakes up and sees Helena)

Oh, I am desperately in love with you! How beautiful you are!

6. Helena:

What’s wrong with you? Don’t you love Hermia any longer?

7. Lysander:

Hermia? Who is she? You are my love!

2. Puck:

Ha, ha, ha! Let me put some flower juice in Demetrius’ eyes now.

8. Demetrius: (wakes up and sees Hermia)

Oh, my darling Hermia! You are the prettiest girl in the world. I love you deeply and truly!

9. Hermia: (sadly)

Oh, where is Lysander? Why isn’t he with me? He is my true love! (She is crying)

3. Oberon: (angrily)

Come here Puck! Put everything back to normal.

2. Puck:

All the play is just a dream! Everything that happens on a midsummer night in a magic forest is a dream.

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Adapted text from the original play of William Shakespeare.

Resource: http://ebooks.edu.gr/ebooks/v/html/8547/2270/Agglika_ST-Dimotikou_html-empl/index3_3.html


Project, 5th Grade, Coursebook, Unit 2, Lesson 1

This is the form you can use in order to conduct your class survey and practise ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY. Following you can create a piechart to depict in a more colourful and schematic way the results of the class.

Student’s book

Unit 2

Lesson 1


Class Survey

 Student’s Name:____________________________________

 Do you enjoy school? Find out if you have good or bad habits and see what you can do to become better at school. Put a tick next to the answer that is appropriate for you.


1. How often are you late for school?
a.  often b.  never c.  sometimes
2. How often do you forget to do your homework?
a.  always b.  usually c.  sometimes
3. Do you do your projects?
a.  always b.  sometimes c.  never
4. Do you follow your teacher’s advice?
a.  usually b.  seldom c.  sometimes
5. Do you ask your teacher to help you understand difficult things?
a.  sometimes b.  seldom c.  never
6. How often do you look up things in dictionaries , encyclopedias, the internet , biographies, etc.
a.  seldom b.  sometimes c.  usually
7. How often do you let your parents/sisters and brothers/friends do your homework for you?
a.  never b.  often c.  sometimes
8. Do you watch TV late at night instead of going to bed?
a.  often b.  always c.  never


You will prepare a class survey. On a separate piece of paper

  1. Write down how many pupils in your classroom answered often / usually / never / seldom / sometimes / always.
  2. Then in pairs, for each question, draw and colour a pie chart, like the one on the right. The pie represents the whole class.
  3. What conclusions can you cometo about the “personality”/profile of your class?
  4. Discuss with your teacher about other charts you can use.


Project: Customs

This project is for my 4th Graders and it is based on the Coursebook Unit 5 Lesson 3 Habits and Customs.  Firstly, using the Quest button on my interactive book in class I gave my students the stimulus and the idea to look for more information. Because this would be a presentation project I decided to use flipgrid app so they can get the chance to enjoy and practise at the same time. After, students formed their own groups and I structured the project in steps which I gave them in writing.    

STEP 1: 

Find information about Christmas customs in other countries and talk about similarities and differences.

You can look at:



Write down your information and separate it into parts so that everybody in your team can present one part.

 For example,

  • Season and the weather
  • Decorations
  • Food and drinks
  • Events

You can use expressions like “In Greece, people ….. whereas in Great Britain ……”

Once you have all the necessary information organized you should practise your presentation.


You visit https://info.flip.com and you use the join code to join the course and the particular topic to record your PRESENTATION! REMEMBER YOU CAN RECORD ON OR OFF CAMERA!

Parent consent signature: 


Project: Interview with a famous person

This is a project based on 5th Grade Student’s book Unit 2, Lesson 1, Exercise H (Portfolio). The educational purpose was to use reverse classroom practice so as to give students more time to practise their speaking skills. To this end, I asked my students to form pairs and suggested their using flipgrid which is a Microsoft educational tool that extends classroom time and space. So I structured this project in the following steps:


Educational Scenario:

Imagine you are a reporter from the school newspaper. You are taking a similar interview with a famous person you like and admire, like the one in Lesson 2, page 30. It can be an interview with an athlete, a singer, an actor/ actress, a writer, a painter, etc.


Write 4 or 5 questions and add the answers you got. Use magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, the Internet, or the class books for your Greek lessons – eg. Anthologio for information.

Από <http://ebooks.edu.gr/ebooks/v/html/8547/2268/Agglika_E-Dimotikou_html-empl/index2_2.html>


We are very happy to have such a famous person here today.

  • How did you become so famous?
  • How many hours do you …………………………… ( famous person’s activity) each day?
  • Do you enjoy life in…………………………. (name of country)?
  • What do you ……………………….in the evenings in (name of country)
  • What do you have to recommend to young children who want to………………………….. at a professional level?

Thank you. It was a pleasure having you here.


As soon as you find the answers to the above questions -REMEMBER YOU CAN ADD QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS YOU WANT- practise your interview with your partner.


You visit https://info.flip.com make an account using your mail and a password. Then you use the join code to join the course and the particular topic to record your interview! REMEMBER YOU CAN RECORD ON OR OFF CAMERA (OPTIONS ARE CAMERA OR AUDIO)! 


This is the invite link you can use:

STEP 5: (alternative option)

If you want, you can make a poster of the interview and add drawings, magazine pictures or anything else that can make your writing look nice.

I really enjoy seeing the laughs and the joy of my students getting involved in such activities!


UNIT 1. My Geography Project: My Greece (6th GRADE)

This project was based on the layout of the Geography project, Lesson 3, Unit 1 of the 6th Grade Coursebook and its purpose was to foster the 4 Cs (Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication) on an educational level and to practise Speaking and Writing skills on a linguistic level.

The format of their educational product followed the layout of the book because this would give them a rubric to refer to. More specifically the layout was the following:

  • Name of Country-Borders
  • Landscape
  • Weather
  • People
  • Feelings 

Students were divided into 5 groups of 4. They needed to compose a product namely write a report by working the first 4 parts. Each group needed also to decice who of its members would undertake to find the material for each aspect of the topic apart form the last one -Feelings- which they had to discuss and write on a plenary level in class time. When they finished, their report was handed in and made into a presentation which was discussed in class.

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Corrections and new instructions were given and the groups were assigned with a different task: Each group needs now to work on ONE of the five dimensions of the project and bring visual material as well.

Project in process….

Cross-cultural Project: Time capsules

An idea based on 5th Grade Student’s book (page 134)  was the creation of an intercultural project in the form of a time capsule for each country presented. The project was presented in steps and students involved were given the following written instructions so as to be able to follow them by having a clear idea of what they are expected to create.

STEP 1: Finding people coming from different countries in our class.

We wrote down the names of the countries of those coming from them and agreed on the creation of time capsules of some other countries that interested the students as well. For example:


  • Albania
  • Australia
  • United Kingdom
  • USA

STEP 2: Gathering information

Students were explained that for the creation of this project they will need to gather the following pieces of information:

  1. Greetings: These could be in simple phrases such as “hello”, “goodbye”
  2. Favourite song: This could be a traditional or a contemporary one. Students were encouraged to use the link of YouTube and/or write the lyrics or a verse on a piece of paper.
  3. Favourite recipe: This could be given in a form of ingredients-instructions or they could find a picture of it.
  4. Map: This could be a picture from the internet.
  5. Landmarks: These can also be pictures coming from the internet and a very short text about their importance or history.
  6. Literature excerpts (my favourite one): Students bring some work or part of the work of the most well known writer of their country.
  7. Famous people ( I think students’ favourite piece of info): Students find pictures of famous singers, actors, painters, athletes etc.
  8. Any piece of information they consider important because it represents the country.


STEP THREE: Presentation

The teacher collects the information and creates a sway presenting EACH country guided by the corresponding student.

Μετάβαση στο sway.office.com.


STEP FOUR: Time capsules in store

Store the material in a capsule to keep it in our class. To this end, we used some plastic bottles and stored the information in little pieces of paper.

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Finally, this project was assigned to students with a two week deadline and judging from everyone’s reaction the day of the sway presentation I can say that they really enjoyed it.



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