We can be heroes!

Real heroes don’t wear capes. In fact, they look nothing like the glamorous superheroes we see in the movies. They are all around us, exhausted, dirty and sometimes scared. However, these ordinary people, whose names will never become famous, are the ones who work day and night, trying their best and even risking their lives to support us during this difficult time of crisis. This lesson  is my small tribute to them.

I thought it would be suitable to start with a favourite song of mine, David Bowie’s Heroes.

Heroes BowieListen to the song and complete the lyrics here.

Then,  read the background information about the song and fill in the missing prepositions. In what ways do you think this song could be relevant to coronavirus crisis?

Maybe the following comic strips by Iranian cartoonist and screenplay writer Mahnaz Yazdani might help you think a bit. The reason why these comic strips that Yazdani posted on Facebook and Instagram have gone viral is obvious: they send a powerful message about the real heroes around us in the most sensitive way.

So, why don’t you too pay a small tribute to these courageous frontline workers by adding a post on this padlet? Follow the link and post a story, an article or a message about these unsung heroes!


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