by Hryssa Papalexopoulou (6th grade)
When you promise something, do you keep your promise?
Yes No
Do your friends ask you for advice?
Yes No
Do you lie?
Yes No
When you feel that you have made a mistake, have you got a problem to accept it?
Yes No
If one friend has a problem, can he/she turn to you?
Yes No
Do you always look after the things you borrow?
Yes No
Are you always honest when you say your opinion?
Yes No
When you borrow money do you give it back on time?
Yes No
More ‘NOs’: No, your friends can’t confide in you, but they are not really sure if they are doing the right thing! Apparently you haven’t won their trust, because they don’t feel like they know you or you act differently all the time.
More “YESes”: Well done!!! Your friends confide in you without hesitating. And this is something that took you a long time to earn and you did it without playing tricks! .Bravo!