EU Code week 2022

Μια ακόμη ξεχωριστή εμπειρία για τα νήπιά μας !

Συμμετοχή με δύο διαφορετικές δραστηριότητες  !

1)Happy birthday code week!!!

20221017 102738 20221017 102832 20221017 103010307710075 10228151707487967 824221956700677725 nScreenshot 7




2)Code the hieroglyphics

With these activities we help our young students to make their first steps in programming. These activities are part of our eTwinning project “SteMysteries in Ancient Egypt”. Firstly, the students of each school will practise with the proposed code activity in which  in each group of students is given a 4*4 table. In each square there is a hieroglyphic (a bird) of different color. Then each student take a frame whith a route that must be followed on the table and a black and white bird. The students must follow the  code, find the color of the bird that the path ends up in and color the bird of their frame accordingly. Finally, they have to create their own path and send it to their new partners in order to find the solution


313790608 818167979418135 431108368933195417 n 313790907 697768455271285 7937770277083383506 n 313836713 1978259792378654 1565821552763114643 n 312543791 802141981041599 642709090583415982 n 312899697 476432740963896 762419885833062267 n 1 313408311 637094771297422 4486623965455891137 n 312732988 651893986426459 1628887789282251295 n 1 312906938 705426547826109 7469811906639155803 n 312706885 658718328967752 7775033721046747745 n 313765495 880982866232312 5112701435716911669 n 313786459 1095866384428449 6858545709470734968 n 313787053 797975278142712 5572524014111314243 n 313928323 454731726748477 3189573226928747903 n 313998370 645659450490126 5240649116734563146 n

Screenshot 7 1