αντιδράσεις απλής αντικατάστασης

Periodic Trend of Common Oxidation States





K , Na με νερό

Νa + CuCl2

Να +ΗΝΟ3

Na με 4 οξέα


Νι + ΗΝΟ3

ΑgNO3 +Mg


 HCl + Αl



video αντιδράσεις οξειδοαναγωγής

Αναγωγή CuO από Η2

2 CuO(s) + C(s) 

Cu + H2SO4

HNO3+ Au,Mg,Cu,Αg

HNO3+Cu    HNO3+Cu  2 

Cu +HNO3


Μέταλλα  + ΗΝΟ3


H2O2 +Να

H2O2 + KMnO4

KMnO4 + S FlasH Bomb

Mg +CO2

H2O2+ K2Cr2O7+latHer

Καύση Η2

NH3 οξείδωση σε  NO2

 Oxidation of Glycerin by KMnO4

Traffic Light Reaction (KMnO4, NaOH with Sugar)

NH3NO3 + Zn



αντιδράσεις σύνθεσης



Κ+ Cl2




Σύνθεση AlBr3

Al +Br2

K+ Br2

Fe + S

Zn + I2


I2 +Al

Li +Cl2

S + H2

Sb + I2

P4 (s) + 5 O2 (g)

Διάσπαση ΝΙ3

 (Zn + O2)


Electrolysis of Water

Electrolysis of KI

Electrolysis Electrochemical Cell Experiment

Galvanic or Voltaic Cell

Galvanic or Voltaic Cell2

Voltaic Cells-The Copper Zinc Cell

Voltaic Cells The Zinc-Hydrogen Cell

Voltaic Cell Virtual Lab

Voltaic Cell Virtual lab with Concentrations


Redox Reaction Tarnishing of Silverware


Aluminum Production


Oxidation Reduction Tin Zinc

Oxidation and Reduction Movie 1 (Zinc and Oxygen)

Oxidation and Reduction Movie 2 (Zn, Cu and Acid)

Redox Chemistry of Iron and Copper

Reduction of Copper Oxide

Standard Reduction Potentials

Operation of a Voltaic Cell- The Zinc-Copper Reaction (Danielle Cell)


Oxidation of Copper

Reduction of Copper

Ammonium Dichromate Volcano

The Angry Purple Volcano

Redox Titration in Acidic Medium Virtual Lab


Oxidation States of Vanadium

Redox LP

List of Experiments

A01 Reaction of Hydrogen and Oxygen
A02 Reaction of Hydrogen and Chlorine Initiated by Light
A03 Reaction of Steel Wool and Oxygen
A04 Reaction of Steel Wool and Chlorine
A05 Reaction of Sodium and Chlorine
A06 Side Reactions Initiated by the Reaction of Sodium and Chlorine
A07 Reaction of Magnesium with Air
A08 Reactions of Magnesium with Carbon Dioxide
A09 Reduction of Copper Oxide with Hydrogen
A10 Reaction of Aluminum and Iodine
A11 Reactions of Red and White Phosphorus with Air
A12 White Phosphorus Reacts with Oxygen under Water
A13 Barking Dogs — White Phosphorus, Air, and Carbon Disulfide
A14 Reaction of Sulfur and Oxygen
A15 Reduction and Oxidation of Pigments in a Rose
A16 Reactions of Sulfur Dioxide
A17 Liquid Oxygen and its Vapor
A18 Singlet Oxygen
A19 Preparation of Oxygen from Mercury(II) Oxide
A20 Oxidation of Nitric Oxide by Oxygen
A21 Chlorine Displacement of Halide Salts
A22 Preparation of Hydrogen Iodide
A23 Reactions of Hydrogen Iodide and Chlorine
A24 Reaction of Magnesium and Silicon Dioxide
A25 Reactions of Tin(II) Chloride and Mercury(II) Chloride
A26 Effect of Temperature on a Luminol Clock Reaction
A27 Reaction of Glycerin with Solid Potassium Permanganate
A28 Ammonia Oxidation Catalyzed by Platinum
A29 Two Color Clock Reaction
A30 Thermite Reaction

B01 Peroxyacetone Decomposition
B02 Ammonium Dichromate Volcano
B03 Nitrogen Triiodide Decomposition
B04 Protein Assay by Reduction of Copper(II)
B05 Oxidation of Alcohols by Potassium Dichromate
B06 Colorimetric Glucose Determination with Glucose Oxidase
B07 Shifting Copper Redox Equilibria
B08 Fluoride Specific Ion Electrode
B09 Kinetics of Glucose Oxidation Determined by a Specific Ion Electrode
B10 Amperometric Oxygen Measurement
B11 Determination of Glucose with an Oxygen Electrode
B12 Oscillating Reaction with Potentiometric Data
B13 Indigo Dye
B14 Synthesis of a Cobalt Complex by Electrolysis
B15 Silver Stained Polyacrylamide Gel
B16 Beating Heart
B17 Corrosion of Aluminum
B18 Sculptures with a Patina
B19 Electroplating Chromium
B20 “Electroless” Nickel Plating
B21 Nitrocellulose (Gun Cotton)
B22 Reactions of Sodium with Liquid Ammonia
B23 Electrolysis of Liquid Ammonia
B24 Reactions of Sodium with Solutions of Permanganate in Ammonia and in Water
B25 Copper Circuit Board Etching and Plating
B26 Vanadium Oxidation States and Redox Potentials
B27 Vanadium(II) as an Oxygen Scavenger



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