The Teacher's Nest

Αρχεία για 'Teacher’s Announcements' Κατηγορία

Have fun with English!

Κατηγορία Teacher's Announcements , στις 11 Μαρτίου 2020 από

Hello my dear ones! Unfortunately because of the covid19 virus schools are closed. This doesn’t mean that you can’t practice your English! You are very good at using this blog! So, I’d like to remind you what you can do in your free time:

Have fun!

Our radio jingles on the radio!

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, Internet Safety project, Teacher's Announcements, Χωρίς κατηγορία , στις 6 Απριλίου 2017 από



Meet Alyce Tzue, director of Soar

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, 2015-2016 school year, Classroom activities, Teacher's Announcements , στις 12 Ιουνίου 2016 από

A few months ago, class ST watched a very touching short animated film that has won many awards called ‘Soar‘.They liked it so much that they decided to turn the story into mini books and comics, writing the characters’ lines as well as drawings. Their work was so beautiful that I decided to let the director, Alyce Tzue,  know the impact her film had on my class. Technology and the internet helped to get my message across to the other end of the world and to my surprise Alyce was kind enough to reply:

Wow, this is amazing!! Please tell them I think their work is beautiful. I even uploaded their artwork to the SOAR Facebook Page to share with our fans!

This whole dream of mine came true because I’ve loved drawing ever since I was a kid. Now I want to make those drawings come to life through film. Please tell them that no matter what they love, keep on doing the best they can! Work hard and dreams can come true :) ”

She also published the pupils’ work on the official ‘SOAR’ facebook page and wrote:

It’s always incredibly rewarding to hear that SOAR is being used for educational purposes. Because the film has no dialogue, I’ve heard it’s especially helpful for children all over the globe to learn English, articulate emotions, and more.

Today I was sent slides of ADORABLE fan art from twelve year old kids all the way from Greece! A big thanks for Eleni Kontolati from the 1st Primary School of Akrata for sharing!!! Your kids work is absolutely beautiful. This journey into film all started because I loved to draw :) Keep on dreaming, keep on drawing!

I think that her message to follow one’s dream and work hard for them is the most beautiful and important message for the end of this school year!

If you are interested in reading her story on how Alyce became a director CLICK HERE .

Thank you Alyce for  the inspiration!We’re wishing you all the best!

miss Lenia -teacher's nest



Λίγους μήνες πριν η ΣΤ’ τάξη παρακολούθησε ένα πολυβραβευμένο και πολύ συγκινητικό  φιλμ με τίτλο ‘Soar’. Tο φιλμ τους άρεσε τόσο που αποφάσισαν να δημιουργήσουν κόμικ και βιβλιαράκια βάζοντας/γράφοντας λόγια στους πρωταγωνιστές της βουβής ταινίας αλλά και ζωγραφιές εμπνευσμένες από την ιστορία αυτήν. Το αποτέλεσμα της δουλειάς τους ήταν τόσο ενδιαφέρον που ήθελα πολύ να το μεταφέρω με κάποιον τρόπο στην σκηνοθέτη της ταινίας Alyce Tzue και να της εξηγήσω πόσο η δουλειά της άρεσε και επηρέασε τους μαθητές μου. Η τεχνολογία και το διαδίκτυο βοήθησε να φθάσει το μήνυμά μου στην άλλη άκρη της γης και προς έκπληξή μου η Alyce απάντησε αμέσως:

‘Είναι καταπληκτικό!Πείτε στους μαθητές σας ότι η δουλειά τους είναι όμορφη. Την ανάρτησα στη σελίδα της ταινίας στο Facebook ώστε να τη δούνε όλοι οι θαυμαστές της ταινίας!

Το όνειρό μου έγινε πραγματικότητα επειδή μου αρέσει να ζωγραφίζω από όταν ήμουν παιδί.Τώρα θέλω να ζωντανεύω τις ζωγραφιές μου μέσα από τις ταινίες. Σας παρακαλώ  πείτε στους μαθητές σας ότι να βάλουν τα δυνατά τους σε ό,τι κι αν αγαπούν να κάνουν! Με σκληρή δουλειά όλα τα όνειρα μπορούν να γίνουν πραγματικότητα!’

Όπως είπε παραπάνω, δημοσίευσε στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της ταινίας στο facebook όλη τη δουλειά της ΣΤ’ τάξης και έγραψε τα εξής:

‘Είναι πάντα σπουδαίο να ακούω ότι η ταινία μου χρησιμοποιήθηκε και για εκπαιδευτικό σκοπό.Επειδή η ταινία δεν έχει διαλόγους, έχω ακούσει ότι βοηθάει ιδιαίτερα τα παιδιά από όλον τον κόσμο να μάθουν Αγγλικά, να εκφράσουν τα συναισθήματά τους κτλ.

Σήμερα έλαβα εικόνες από μια ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΗ δουλειά από δωδεκάχρονους μαθητές από τη μακρινή Ελλάδα! Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στην Ελένη Κοντολάτη από το 1ο Δημ.Σχ.Ακράτας που το μοιράστηκε μαζί μου!!!Η δουλειά των μαθητών σας είναι πραγματικά πανέμορφη. Αυτό το ταξίδι μου με τις ταινίες ξεκίνησε επειδή λατρεύω να ζωγραφίζω.Συνεχίστε να ονειρεύεστε, συνεχίστε να ζωγραφίζετε!’

Πιστεύω ότι αυτό της το μήνυμα, να ακολουθεί κανείς τα όνειρά του και να δουλεύει σκληρά για να τα πετύχει είναι το πιο όμορφο και σπουδαίο μήνυμα για το τέλος της φετινής σχολικής χρονιάς.

Αν θέλετε να διαβάσετε πως η Alyce έγινε σκηνοθέτης πατήστε εδώ.

Σε ευχαριστούμε Alyce για την έμπνευση και το υπέροχο μήνυμα! Σου ευχόμαστε ό,τι καλύτερο!

 miss Lenia -teacher's nest


Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, Awards, eTwinning 2012, Sing and Write Christmas, projects 2012-2013, Teacher's Announcements , στις 4 Νοεμβρίου 2013 από

I’m very happy to announce that the project ‘Sing and Write Christmas‘ class ST’ worked on last year recieved not one, but TWO AWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!


The project was awarded the QUALITY LABEL

mini 2


Only 33 Primary Schools in Greece (among which is our school- hurray!) were awarded the EUROPEAN QUALITY LABEL this year.  Click here to visit the announcement on the eTwinning website.


Class ST’ worked really hard so they dererve the best!



Summer wishes!

Κατηγορία Teacher's Announcements , στις 10 Ιουνίου 2012 από

My dearest pupils, this has been such a wonderful school year!

You worked really hard: you created wonderful projects, you collaborated superbly with your classmates and your far away friends from all over Europe and Patras and you published amazing pieces of work on our e-magazine!

Now it’s time for you to rest and enjoy your summer holidays to the full.

I’d like to thank you for a creative and exciting school year!

My best wishes to all the pupils of ST’ class: may you fly as far as possible!

I’d love to read your wishes here:

And here’s a nice song about holidays for you to sing:

We’re all going on a summer holiday
no more working for a week or two.
Fun and laughter on our summer holiday,
no more worries for me or you,
for a week or two.

We’re going where the sun shines brightly
we’re going where the sea is blue.
we’ve all seen it on the movies,
now let’s see if it’s true.

Everybody has a summer holiday
doin’ things they always wanted to
So we’re going on a summer holiday,
to make our dreams come true
for me and you.
for me and you.

See you in September!

Master chefs!

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 29 Μαΐου 2012 από

Last Thursday class ST’ finished recording on video some of the most popular Greek recipes to send to their Polish friends.

Making a cheese pie: this one is tough!

Here’s what they did:

They discussed in groups and came up with a full Greek menu consisting of two appetizers, a salad, a main dish and two desserts.

The morning after: the chicken before it was devoured by the kids !!!

The Greek salad was eaten on the spot! It smelled awesome!

The apples are ready to get into the oven!

They asked their mothers to give them the recipes.

They wrote the recipes in English in groups.

M-Star created this beautiful photo of their menu.

They executed them in class and recorded them on camera. Some of them was reading out the recipes, while the other ones were either acting it out or recording it!

Cooking, reading, recording- juggling everything at once! Wow!

The preparation was so fun! We had many laughs while making the food! Their classmates got lucky, too, as they tasted the food the next morning! They didn’t even let the teachers have a bite! They absolutely loved the dishes!!!

Attention to detail: food styling by Bebbie & Anastasia

The videos are finally ready:

To see the appetizers video click here.

For the salad & main course video click here.
To see the desserts video click here.

Now, they’re waiting to see their Polish friends’ traditional dishes.

Well done, kids!

That was really fun!

Class C’ = Great e-Writers!

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eWriters project, 2011-2012, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 16 Μαΐου 2012 από

A few weeks ago, class C’ posted an interesting wall on e-Writers asking about the readers’ fav song.

But today they published their first posting !!! A quiz!

They did a great job! After reading about Lady Decay in their book and making a teeth craft, they made a quiz with questions about how we take care of our teeth, based on what we discussed in class. They wrote the questions with their groups on the computer on their own! They also decided about the results and chose a nice photo for their posting.

Excellent work, class C’ and such and interesting quiz!

If you would like to take the quiz, click here and have fun!

Young reporters

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eWriters project, 2011-2012, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 26 Μαρτίου 2012 από

Class D’ is eagerly waiting to post their first weather report. Meanwhile, they’ve been preparing drawings that show different kind of weather.

To celebrate e-Writers’ birthday, class D’ and E’ have been drawing bookmarks.

Aren’t they lovely?

Keep up the good work, kids!

Happy Birthday e-Writers!!!

Κατηγορία Teacher's Announcements , στις 9 Μαρτίου 2012 από

Today our e-magazine is ONE !!!

It’s been 1 year since the first posting was posted!

One year of creativity!

One year of beautiful postings!

One year of clever comments!

One year of interesting communication!

110 postings !!!


968 visitors !!!

7976 hits !!!

I wish to each and every e-writer many beautiful postings to come and even more readers to read their wonderful postings!

If you’d like to write a wish CLICK HERE

Miss L

Pancake Day at school

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, Culture, Projects, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 από

On  February 21st it was Shrove Tuesday in the UK. In order to learn more about this special day -the last before Lent- and compare it to the Greek customs, class ST’ had a special pancake day lesson on Friday 24th.

It was a pancake extravaganza!

Class ST’ worked overtime!

They wrote a pancake recipe, solved a Shrove Tuesday quiz, prepared tons of pancake batter, cooked pancakes, presented a short theatrical play, organized a pancake race for the whole school to compete at and drew the winners’ prizes: wooden spatulas.

The theatrical play was very interesting and fun and the pancake race was absolutely hilarious! All classes, the kindergarten, AND the teachers took part!

I don’t need to tell you about the pancakes…they were delish! Yummy!!!

It was an amazing day and everyone had lots of fun thanks to class ST’ !

Well done, class ST!

It was a day to remember!

For more info and photos, please take a look at the upcoming postings on E-writers.

Shrove Tuesday

Κατηγορία Culture, Great Britain, Teacher's Announcements , στις 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 από

Today it’s Shrove Tuesday in England. It’s the last day before Lent and it always falls 47 days before Easter.

Shrove Tuesday is also called pancake day.

Do you know why?

Because everyone eats pancakes!

Do you like pancakes?

During Lent, people are not allowed to eat eggs or milk.Shrove Tuesday is the last day that they are allowed to eat them, so they make pancakes!

In many places in England there are pancakes races on pancake day.The most famous is Olney Pancake Race.

Women wear their aprons and scarves and they run to the church. But they have a pan with a pancake in their hands.

The winner is the woman who can run AND toss the pancake THREE TIMES!

It’s so fun!

Nowadays men also take part in this traditional event.

If you would like to see some pancake race videos, click here.

Since it’s such a fun and tasty custom, we’ll have a Pancake Day at school this Friday.

We’ll make pancakes and there will be some serious pancake racing in our schoolyard !!!

Soooooooooooooo…….are you ready?

On your marks…get set…GO!

eTwinning: Far away, so close

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 από

My dear pupils, if you want to visit our project’s twinspace, follow these steps:

1. click here

2. click on LOG IN

3. write your passwords

You’ re in!

You can also visit the project diary and write your comments or write a posting yourselves!

Read, write and have fun!

PS. Send me a comment to tell me if you liked it!

Busy Bees

Κατηγορία eTwinning 2011, Christmas Around Europe, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Let's get to know each other project 2011-2012, Projects, Teacher's Announcements , στις 24 Νοεμβρίου 2011 από

There has been a lot of hustling and bustling in our English room and our computer lab this month!


Because we are lucky to be working on wonderful projects that enable us to meet new people and become their friends using English as our vehicle!

What are these projects?

Take a look below:

Class D’ is participating in an e-Twinning project called ‘Christmas Around Europe’. The project entails Christmas cards and ornaments exchange and Christmas customs presentation between 9 European countries! Besides our school, there are primary schools from England, Italy, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Estonia and Greece! The cards are on their way and the pupils are eagerly waiting for them! Click here to visit the project’s site.

D. is writing her card

A's card is ready!

M and P are making their pomegranate cards

All the cards are ready to send!

Class E’ is communicating with class E2 of the Demenica Primary School in Patras through emails and the project is called ‘Getting to Know Each Other’ . So far they have exchanged two mails talking about themselves, daily routines and their likes and dislikes. They are really excited and they look forward to the next email from their friends. If you want to see their mails click here.

Class ST’ is participating in an e-Twinning project called ‘Far Away, So Close’ and they are going to communicate with a primary school in Zabór, Poland. Their Polish friends have already sent them emails saying a few things about themselves. Other topics to discuss will be describing our countries & hometowns, Christmas / Easter customs, school and timetable, national cuisine etc. If you want to vist the site click here.

And of course, all three classes are also amazing e-writers in our fantastic e-magazine!!!

So far class ST’ interviewed our new headmaster and wrote about their favourite countries.

This is the second year of our e-magazine and we hope that our readers will like it as much as they did last year!

First Day

Κατηγορία Teacher's Announcements , στις 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011 από

Today I woke up really early,

Put my clothes on,

Unlocked the door that was closed all summer,

Smelled the grass and trees,

Opened the windows to let the bright sun in,

And waited for smiling faces and lively voices to run around  the yard.

New faces and old beloved ones…

Happy New School Year to you all  !!!

Summer holidays…hurray!!!

Κατηγορία Teacher's Announcements , στις 18 Ιουνίου 2011 από

This is a short posting just to wish you all a wonderful summer holiday!!!

I’ll be back in September, but you can always leave me a message, if you want to.

I’ll be thrilled to read it !!!

Enjoy your summer holidays everyone!

Miss L.

PS. I really hope you like the photos of the funniest  jellyfish that my pupils made on their English portfolios during the last days at school.

Happy Birthday E-WRITERS!

Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eWriters project, 2010-2011, projects 2010-2011, Teacher's Announcements , στις 9 Απριλίου 2011 από

Do you know what day is it today?

It’s our English School Magazine’s 1st birthday!

It’s been one month from the first posting!

Can’t tell you how happy, and mostly, how proud I feel today!

All of you, amazing reporters have worked really hard .

You  searched for information, collaborated successfully with your teams, exchanged views and arguments.

With the enormous effort you put into it and your fantastic ideas, you have made this magazine so interestingto read !

I can’t decide which of the topics are my best. I love each and every article!

How about you?

Do you have a favourite posting? A favourite reporter?

A memory you’d like to share?

You can write your comment and tell me all about it!

Here’s this month in numbers:

39 postings


382 visitors

2002 page views

Well, my little e-writers, you, wonderful reporters, I can only wish you to reach a thousand of each!!!

(except, of course, for the pageviews,in which case you’ve already reached not a thousand, but two!!!)

Proud Miss L!


 Here is a relevant song, by the band ‘The Beatles’


And if you fell like singing, here are the lyrics!

Happy Birthday- The Beatles

You say it’s your birthday
It’s my birthday too, yeah
They say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we’re going to a party party
Yes we’re going to a party party
Yes we’re going to a party party
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
You say it’s your birthday
Well it’s my birthday too, yeah
You say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you.




Κατηγορία Teacher's Announcements , στις 3 Μαρτίου 2011 από

Are you a creative reporter?

Do you have lots of ideas?

Do you want to add an article to the e-magazine?

Do you want to write it alone, or with a firend?

Do you want to write comments?

Well, you can !




 (during the 1st break)

Welcome to Teacher’s nest!

Κατηγορία Teacher's Announcements , στις 2 Μαρτίου 2011 από

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Teacher’s nest !

You can send me all of your messages here, from now on.

Keep an eye on new announcements !

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Take care.



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