About me…

Computer Science and ICT teacher since 2003 with a Master of Education in Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems from the Hellenic Open University. Graduated from the Athens University of Economics and Business with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Informatics.

Teach SD Goals Ambassador   –   Scientix ambassador since 2021   –   Certified member of the STEM Career Advice Network   –   micro:bit Champion since 2021   –   SaferInternet4kids ambassador – Intel® SFI Ambassador


  • 05/1995 – 07/1997:  ICT system analyst – Basis AEE, Athens (Greece)
  • 07/1997 – 11/1999: IT assistant manager – Hasbro Hellas ABEE, Athens (Greece)
  • 11/1999 – 09/2003: IT manager – Hasbro Hellas ABEE, Athens (Greece)
  • 09/2003 – 08/2013:  Computer Science & ICT teacher secondary school – Ministry of Education, Athens (Greece)
  • 09/2013 – Present:  Computer Science & ICT teacher primary school – Ministry of Education, Athens (Greece)


  • Master of Education in “Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems” – Hellenic Open University
  • Bachelor in Computer Science – Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens (Greece) – https://www.aueb.gr/
  • Course of study: Theoretical computer science, computer systems and networks, computer and network safety, databases and knowledge management, operational research and economics of IT, applied mathematics and scientific calculations.
  • Certificate in “Teacher and student affair in modern society” – University of Piraeus – Department of Economics, Athens (Greece) – https://www.unipi.gr/unipi/en/
  • Badge Certificate in “Erasmus+ funding opportunities for schools” – School Education Gateway
  • Certificate in “Scratch 4 Teachers” course from Hellenic Open University and Google, May 2015
  • In-service Training of Teachers in the utilization and application of Digital Technologies in the teaching practice / B Level ICT Teacher Training – Greek Institute of Educational Policy, Athens, July 2015
  • Certificate in “EU Code Week Ice-breaker MOOC” course from the European Schoolnet Academy & Universita degli studi di Urbino, June 2019
  • Certificate of recognition as a Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, September 2019
  • Certificate in “EU Code Week Deep Dive” course from European Schoolnet Academy & Universita degli studi di Urbino, November 2019
  • Certificate in “Education Evolution – Teachers in the Digital Age” course from Tech Talent School, November 2019
  • Certificate in “Become the Next eSafety Champion“” course from European Schoolnet Academy, December 2019
  • Certificate in “Elements of AI” course from University of Helsinki, January 2020
  • Certificate in “Learning Leadership for Change” course from European Schoolnet Academy, March 2020
  • Certificate in “School Distance Learning: From Theory to Practice” seminar from Univeristy of Crete, EDIVEA, April 2020
  • Certificate of participation in “Discover the digital potentials of your school with a…SELFIE” seminar from National Documentation and Digital Content Center, June 2020
  • eTwinning Certificate in “Discussing Diversity and Discrimination Using the Online Tool Stories that Move” learning event from eTwinning and Erasmus+, June 2020
  • eTwinning Certificate in “eTwinning schools – students as protagonists” learning event from eTwinning and Erasmus+, July 2020
  • Certificate in “STEM is Everywhere! Rerun” course from European Schoolnet Academy, October 2020
  • Certificate in “Integrated STEM Teaching for Primary schools” course from European Schoolnet Academy & Scientix, December 2020
  • Certificate in “STEM Moocs Package” courses from European Schoolnet Academy, Scientix and STE(A)Mit, December 2020
  • Certificate of participation in “The new challenges of pandemic concerning Internet safety” seminar from Greek Safe Internet Center, December 2020
  • Certificate in “Education for a sustainable planet” learning path from Microsoft education center and WWF, January 202
  • Certificate in “Exploring NBS in your classroom” course from European Schoolnet Academy and Scientix, February 2021
  • Certificate of participation in “Cli.c.k. for schools – Climate Change” event from Environmental education center of Athens, February 2021
  • Certificate of participation in “The Goals Project” event from goalsproject.org, March 2021
  • Certificate in “AI Basics for Schools” course from European Schoolnet Academy and CodeWeek, March-April 2021
  • Certificate in “Adaptation in Climate Change” seminar from Adaptive Greece and the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, March 2021
  • Certificates in “Mobile Devices in Education” and “Online learning communities” from the eTwinning National Support Organization, May 2021
  • Certificate in “Skills Workshops for Educators 2021” from the Greek ministry of education and the Greek Institute of Educational Policy, Athens, June-August 2021
  • Certificate of MOOC Attendance “STE(A)M Education for educators: Design, orchestration and implementation of STE(A)M education” from Hellenic Open University, Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”, July 2021 
  • Certificate in “EU Code Week Online Bootcamp” course from European Schoolnet Academy and CodeWeek, October 2021
  • Certificate of participation of the Science Projects Online Workshop (SPOW 09): “Citizen Science and SDGs to inspire educators” organized by Scientix, CS Track and University of Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, December 2021
  • Certificate in “Teaching Sustainability for Action” course organized by the European Schoolnet Academy, Life Terra and Scientix, February 2022.
  • Certificate of participation in the STEM Discovery Campaign SDC 2022 organized by Scientix, February-April 2022
  • Certificate of the GLOBE Training of the Globe Program and recognition as a certified GLOBE Observer, March 2022
  • Certificate of completion of the “Introduction to Environmental Literacy” MOOC organized by the FEE Academy, March 2022.
  • Certificate of participation in the STE(A)M IT Career Advisers Network training “Events with Professionals in Schools: How to?“, organized by STEAM IT, STEM Alliance and Scientix, March 2022.
  • Certificate of participation of the Science Projects Online Workshop (SPOW 10): «STEM for ALL: Inclusive STEM teaching – TeamStar» organized by Scientix and Team_Star, May 2022
  • Certificate of participation of the Science Projects Online Workshop (SPOW 12): «New horizons for STEM teaching: professional development for educators – CHOICE» organized by Scientix and CHOICE, May 2022
  • Certificate of completion of the “eTwinning and Skills Lab” MOOC organized by the ITYE, March-May 2022.
  • Certificate of participation in the “ARETE project pilot 4 with Mirage XR App” MOOC organized by European SchoolNet and ARETE, June to August 2022
  • Certificate of participation of the Science Projects Online Workshop (SPOW 13): «Co-design and develop STEM activites and strategies» organized by Scientix and Mini Open Labsd, September 2022
  • Certificate of participation of the Science Projects Online Workshop (SPOW 14): «Using emerging digital technologies in STEM classes – AI & Greek Epigraphy» organized by Scientix, October 2022
  • Certificate of participation of the Science Projects Online Workshop (SPOW 15): «Interdisciplinary, project-based teaching – The Bridge project» organized by Scientix, October 2022
  • Certificate of completion of the “Sustainability in the Classroom and Beyond – Engage the whole school” course organized by the European School Education platform, September-October 2022
  • Certificate of participation in the Erasmus+ project KA3 2018-2022: “Teachers4Europe – Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” organized by the University of Peiraius, Hellenic Ministry of education and Universitatea Babes-Bolyai.
  • Certificate of participation in the “Space Robotics Workshop” from primary teachers organized by European Space Agency, January 2023.
  • Certificate of completion of the “Make it Open Schooling” course from European Schoolnet Academy and Scientix, January-February 2023.
  • Certificate of participation in the “Science is Wonderful!” competition organized by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and European Commission, February 2023.
  • Certificate of collaboration as Scientix ambassador for the years 2021-2023 from European SchoolNet and Scientix, February 2023.
  • Certificate of completion of the “Exploring NBS in your classroom rerun” course from European Schoolnet Academy, NBS Edu World, PPMI and Scientix, February-March 2023.
  • Certificate of completion of the “Games in Schools 2023” course from European Schoolnet Academy and Scientix, April-May 2023.


  • 1st prize in Hellenic Educational contest: “Cyprus, Greece, Homogeneity: educational bridges“, 2018-19 (Οι σκιές της Αμμοχώστου – video)
  • Award for the Hellenic School contest 2019 of the Greek Safer Internet Center, February 2019
  • Excellence in Hellenic Bravo Schools contest of the UNGA for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Best Lesson Practice in Goal 12), June 2019
  • 2nd prize in the Hellenic competition “We say NO to Cyberbullying” of the British Council Hellas, the International Olympic Truce Center and Samsung Hellas, May 2020
  • 1st prize in Scientix Competiton “2020 STEM Discovery Campaign“, June 2020
  • 1st prize and excellence in the Hellenic Bravo Schools contest for the Best School practice of the Quality Net Foundation Hellas, June 2020
  • Honored by the Hellenic Safer Internet Center (SaferInternet4Kids.gr) by including our Board Game to their official educational material page, February 2021
  • Award for one of the best educational practices “NBS and Hardy Plants for a Sustainable City” at the Panhenellenic and International Conference on “STEAM education and educators” organized by The Regional Center for Educational Planning of Western Greece (PE.K.ES. D.E.), Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diofantus” (C.T.I.) and Hellenic Open University, May 2021
  • 3 Excellencies in Hellenic Bravo Schools contest of the Quality Net Foundation Hellas for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Best Lesson Practices and Students’ products), June 2021
  • 2nd prize in the Hellenic competition “We say NO to Cyberbullying” of the British Council Hellas, the International Olympic Truce Center and Samsung Hellas, June 2021
  • 1st prize in the competition of Adaptive Greece and the Hellenic Ministry of Environment for the online board game “The Climate changes… I change my life!“, June 2021
  • 1st prize for the implemented Learning Scenario “Earthquakes and Safe cities 4all” on Integrated STEM Teaching Competition for Primary schools as part of the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign in Scientix competition, September 2021 (article at the Panhellenic School Network for the prize) (winners from Scientix) (winners from STE(A)M IT)
  • 1st prize for the learning scenario “NBS and Hardy Plants for a Sustainable City” as one of the most innovative NBS scenarios by the European Commission, December 2021.
  • 2nd prize for the eTwinning project “Me The A.I. #2.0” at the 15th National eTwinning competition, March 2022.
  • Scientix STEM Discovery Campaign 2022 awards (February-April 2022):
    • 1st prize at the STEM Alliance and IBM competition: Integrating IBM SkillsBuild for Students
    • winner in “Scientix competition 1: STEM Activities
    • winner in “Scientix competition 2: STEM Resources
    • 1st prize at the “Life Terra – Terra Mission Challenge” organized by Scientix and Life Terra
    • Special award for Impact with the “Energy Awareness” project
  • Special award for Sensitivity at the “Students in action for the climate” competition, organized by WWF Greece, March 2023.


  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “eWaste Around Us“, October 2019
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “Me The A.I. #2.0“, September 2020
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “STEM on Board“, September 2020
  • Participation in the project “The World’s Largest Lesson“, 2019-2020
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “Micro Circuits for Mega Solutions“, September 2021
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “My Water Footprint“, September 2021
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “Teachers4Europe: Democratic values in the Era of A.I.“”, September 2021
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “Climate Literate“, September 2022
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “Let’s explore the world of Technology“, September 2022
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “Green Act“, September 2022
  • National and European Quality Label for the project: “STEM in Space“, September 2022


  • Certificate of participation in the Hellenic Conference: “Education in the era of ICT”  of the Scientific Union of Primary Education, November 2014
  • Publication of the learning object “Escape” (a movie for Internet addiction) at the Photodentro – iCreate repository of the Hellenic Ministry of Education,  January 2020 (http://photodentro.edu.gr/i-create/r/8545/205?locale=en)
  • Certificate of attendance in the Hellenic Conference “e-Learning: The Next Day” of the Open Technology Institute, May 2020
  • Article at the STEM Discovery Campaign Blog of European Schoolnet and Scientix: “Be Safe on the roads with STEM“, May 2020
  • Paper writing and presentation of the article “Me the A.I. #2.0: Introducing students to Artificial Intelligence” at the 12th Conference on Informatics in Education, October 2020 (minutes of the conference)
  • Paper writing of the article “Earthquakes and Safe cities 4all with STEAM” at the 22nd issue of the online Educational magazine “New Educator”, January 2021 (http://neospaidagogos.online/files/22_Teyxos_Neou_Paidagogou_Ianouarios_2021.pdf)
  • Participation as main panelist at the online event “Education and the 17 SDGs – The Social Goals” organized by the Health Education department of East Thessaloniki and the Quality Net Foundation, February 2021
  • Article at the STEM Discovery Campaign Blog of European Schoolnet and Scientix: “Technology to prevent Earthquakes, Safe cities for all“, May 2021
  • Participation as panelist at the Panhellenic and International Conference on “STEAM education and educators” organized by The Regional Center for Educational Planning of Western Greece (PE.K.ES. D.E.), Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diofantus” (C.T.I.) and Hellenic Open University, May 2021 (volume of abstracts)
  • Participation as panelist at the International Conference in Open and Distance learning ICODL 2021 organized by the Hellenic Open University and EDAE, with the presentation of the article: “T4E: Democratic values in the era of A.I.”, November 2021 (volume of abstracts)
  • Presentation of the “T4E: Democratic values in the era of A.I.” at the “Online Educational Event for the Dissemination of best pedagogic practices” organized by the Directorate of Primary Education of Athens B’ and the Ambassadors of Teachers4Europe Programme of Athens B’, December 2021.
  • Participation as panelist at the 3rd Hellenic Scientix Conference for STEM Education 2022 organized by the European SchoolNet and EELLAK, with the presentation of the articles: “The microplastic detectives” and “Fire-resistant plants for a Climate change-resistant planet“, September 2022
  • Participation as panelist at the webinar “Sustainable cities and communities” with the presentation “Nature-based solutions and citizen science” organized by the Schools4Climate Network, April 2022.
  • Participation as panelist at the “Education for Climate Days 2022” with the presentation “The microplastic detectives” organized by the Education4Climate Coalition of the European Commission, 9th of November 2022.
  • Paper writing of the article “The microplastic detectives” at the 33rd issue of the online Educational magazine “New Educator”, November 2022 (http://neospaidagogos.online/files/33_Teyxos_Neou_Paidagogou_Noemvriou_2022.pdf)
  • Moderator at the 39th Science Project Workshop for Augmented Reality at Brussels, organized by Scientix and ARETE, March 2023.