stay safe but tuned….
Hello kids,
I really miss you ! I know you have always wished for late morning wake-ups and no school attendances but I am not sure that this is what you had in mind!
The new unprecedented reality that has been dictated to us …. and sadly enough , is the only way we can get through this aggressive virus mess is not actually a desirable one. At least it is not for me .Education process is so complicated , multi-tasked ,lively, creative, unpredicted , over-exciting but definiteley interpersonal. A screen in between you and me is not adequate substitute or even bearable but it is much better than no communication at all.
I just want to ask you to stay calm ( of course at home ), optimistic but tuned in with your school and your teachers in any way suggested by them .I would do my best to be close to you and provide necessary material for our lessons .I just want to add that I’m here if you think that I can be of some help ….You do know couple of ways to come in touch with me .
Looking forward to meeting you all back in our classes… Since then , study my notes, fill in the exercises assigned and I’ll provide feedback to your answers.
suggestions welcome
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