7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills

It’s hard to imagine a single career that doesn’t have a need for someone who can code. Everything that “just works” has some type of code that makes it run. Coding (a.k.a. programming) is all around us. That’s why all the cool kids are coding . . . or should be. Programming is not just the province of pale twenty-somethings in skinny jeans, hunched over three monitors, swigging Red Bull. Not any more! The newest pint-sized coders have just begun elementary school.

If you’re concerned that that a) elementary school students don’t have the ability to code, b) there’s no room in the curriculum, and c) you don’t possess coding chops to teach programming skills, throw out those worries. The following sites and apps can help anyone who has basic reading skills grasp the basics of thinking and planning in order to make things happen (the whole purpose of coding) and create applications: interactive games, quizzes, animations, etc. Best of all, many of these tools are free, or almost free, and require no coding background or expertise!

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