Using telegram bots to mine crypto easily

Image from Pixabay.

Crypto mining is the process of using computer hardware to validate transactions on a blockchain network and add them to the public ledger. It is primarily associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others that rely on a decentralized system of verifying and recording transactions.

Below you will see some methods, which do not require much knowledge. Warning: These are not fully tested methods, nor do I advertise any of them. The article was written for educational purposes. Use of the links and any transactions are at your own responsibility and your own risk.


What is a telegram bot?

A Telegram bot is an automated program or software application that runs on Telegram, a popular messaging platform. These bots are designed to interact with users and perform tasks automatically. They can respond to messages, provide information, automate processes, and even play games—all within the Telegram app.

🚀 Discover the revolutionary Mine-To-Earn app built on Telegram! Experience limitless opportunities for cloud mining. Their infrastructure ensures optimized transactions and reduced transfer fees. Be among the pioneers in earning! Complete missions, invite friends, rent additional mining power to earn even more. Don’t miss the opportunity to increase your income and strive for financial independence! ⚡️💰🚀

Disclaimers: investing in cryptos have risks. All links above are referral links.




Easy crypto mining

Image from Pixabay.

Crypto mining is the process of using computer hardware to validate transactions on a blockchain network and add them to the public ledger. It is primarily associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others that rely on a decentralized system of verifying and recording transactions.

Below you will see some methods, which do not require much knowledge. Warning: These are not fully tested methods, nor do I advertise any of them. The article was written for educational purposes. Use of the links and any transactions are at your own responsibility and your own risk.

All following links described below, are listed here:

  1. Bitcoin: BTCMiner.

  2. Bitcoin: GDMining.

  3. Omega: Omega network.

  4. Bitcoin: StormGain miner.

  5. Bitcoin: YouHolder.

  6. Bitcoin: Ember.

  7. Cudo: Cudo miner.

Disclaimers: investing in cryptos have risks. Most of the links above are referral links.


  • Bitcoin: BTCMiner.

    BTCMiner is an industry leading Bitcoin mining pool. All of the mining power is backed up by physical miners. Mining with the latest algorithms allows to make as much Bitcoin as possible. They aim to provide you with the easiest possible way to make money without having to do any of the hard stuff. With data centers around the globe, they aim to keep bills down and mining power high, meaning you can make more in a shorter amount of time than what it would take to mine from your home for instance. Their data centers are located in Europe, USA and China with dedicated Up-Links and 99% uptime!

  • Bitcoin: GDMining.

    At GDMining, accessibility is key. They believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in the exciting world of cryptocurrency mining, regardless of their technical expertise or financial resources. That’s why they offer free cloud mining services, making it easy for anyone to get started on their mining journey. With six state-of-the-art mining facilities located strategically around the globe, including in Canada, Iceland, and Kazakhstan, they have built a robust infrastructure that ensures the reliability and efficiency of our operations. This global presence allows us to serve users from over 200 countries and regions, providing them with the support and resources they need to succeed.

  • Omega: Omega network.

    Experience the future of crypto right at your fingertips with the OM mobile app. Mining has never been more convenient or accessible. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of the revolution. Get the OM mobile app and start mining anywhere, anytime. Your crypto journey begins here!

  • Bitcoin: StormGain miner.

StormGain is an all-in-one crypto trading platform suitable for all. Built to embrace convenience and simplicity, our dynamic platform is for those who want to profit from either the growth or decline of the cryptocurrency market and form long-term investments in crypto assets.

Cloud Mining is performed on equipment owned by StormGain and does not use the resources of a user’s device, i.e., the device’s CPU, battery, graphics cards or other hardware resources. Users can manage and view transactions only via the StormGain app for cloud mining.

Earn BTC by tapping on the blocks: You have a field filled with some blocks, each containing real Bitcoins. Once you mine a block, Bitcoins are instantly deposited to your wallet, giving you the freedom to withdraw, exchange, or use them as you please.
Mining takes time and costs sparks: To mine a block, tap on it. Mining requires several sparks ⚡ and will take some time to complete. Once a block is mined, click on it again to collect your Bitcoins.

Your gateway to Web3: Mine Bitcoin and play games with friends—all in one app. They have gamified the onramps to Bitcoin making it incredibly easy and fun to start accumulating crypto. Their team includes best-in-class crypto analysts, gamers, technologists and designers that have held leadership positions at Google, Accel, Microsoft, Tiktok, Acorns, Binance, and JP Morgan.

Earn money from your Idle Hardware: Cudo Miner is a cryptocurrency miner packed with features that help you earn as much money as possible from your laptop or PC. Cudo Miner is easy to install, safe on your hardware and secure to use.

Their Cryptocurrency miner, mining and cloud computing platforms have features unparalleled by other leading crypto mining software. From automated mining with Cudo Miner, to an end-to-end solution that combines stats, monitoring, automation, auto adjusting overclocking settings, reporting and pool integrations with Cudo Farm. They have a solution for all miners from PC / laptop owners to large scale mining farms. Their platforms create efficiency and reduce manual intervention by up to 95%, while increasing profitability.

Διαδικτυακὸς πολυτονιστὴς γιὰ τὸν πολυτονισμὸ μονοτονικῶν κειμένων

Ἕνα διαδικτυακὸ πρόγραμμα ποὺ μετατρέπει ἤδη πληκτρολογημένα καὶ ἐλεγμένα μονοτονικὰ κείμενα σὲ πολυτονικά

Λειτουργεῖ μὲ ὅλους τοὺς φυλλομετρητὲς (Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Edge, κλπ) καὶ σὲ ὅλες τὶς συσκευές (ὑπολογιστή, ταμπλέττα, κινητὸ τηλέφωνο) ἀνεξαρτήτως τεχνολογίας (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android).

Τονίζει σύμφωνα μὲ τὴν ἱστορική ὀρθογραφία τῆς ἑλληνικῆς. Ὁ χρήστης μπορεῖ νὰ ἐπιλέξει τὴν χρήση ἢ ὄχι:

  • βαρείας,
  • ὑπογεγραμμένης στὶς καταλήξεις τῶν ρημάτων καὶ,
  • συνῃρημένων ἢ ὄχι τύπων σὲ ἐπίθετα ποὺ ἔχουν καὶ συνῃρημένους καὶ ἀσυναίρετους τύπους (π.χ., ἁπλῆ/ἁπλή, ἁπλᾶ/ἁπλά).

Εἰσαγόμενο κείμενο

Τὸ μονοτονικὸ κείμενο πρέπει νὰ ἔχει σωστὸ τονισμὸ καὶ στίξη. Προσοχὴ σὲ τυχὸν λατινικοὺς χαρακτῆρες ποὺ κατὰ λάθος παρεισφρέουν σὲ ἑλληνικὲς λέξεις, π.χ. λατινικὰ ὄμικρον στὴν θέση τῶν ἑλληνικῶν. Προσοχὴ ἐπίσης σὲ ἀρχικὲς λέξεις χωρὶς τόνο (βλ. κείμενα τῆς Καθημερινῆς ὅπου συστηματικὰ τὰ ἀρχικὰ κεφαλαῖα εἶναι ἄτονα). Προσοχὴ τέλος στὴν τήρηση τῶν κανόνων τῆς στίξεως: τὰ σημεῖα στίξεως καθοδηγοῦν τὸν πολυτονιστῆρα στὸν διαχωρισμὸ τῶν φράσεων. Ὅταν λείπουν ἢ ἔχουν τεθεῖ κατὰ λάθος, αὐξάνουν τὴν πιθανότητα λανθασμένου τονισμοῦ.

ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! Τὸ μονοτονικὸ κείμενο πρέπει νὰ εἰσάγεται σὲ μορφὴ text. Ἂν πολυτονίσετε διαμορφωμένο κείμενο ἀπὸ τὸ Word, ἡ τυχὸν διαμόρφωσή του (ἔντονα, πλάγια, ὑπογραμμίσεις, ἐνδείξεις ὑποσημειώσεων, κλπ.) θὰ χαθοῦν. Οἱ παράγραφοι παραμένουν.

Μέγεθος κειμένου: Ἔχουν δοκιμασθεῖ μέχρι καὶ 50.000 λέξεις. Ὡστόσο ἀπὸ τὶς δοκιμὲς βρήκαμε ὅτι τὰ μικρότερα κείμενα εἶναι εὐκολότερα στὴν διαχείριση.

Χρόνος πολυτονισμοῦ: Μερικὰ λεπτὰ γιὰ κείμενα μέχρι 1000 λέξεις. Γιὰ μεγαλύτερα κείμενα, ὁ χρόνος μεγαλώνει.

Παραγόμενο κείμενο

Τὸ παραγόμενο πολυτονικὸ κείμενο χρειάζεται ἔλεγχο. Τα τυχὸν λάθη μπορεῖ νὰ ὀφείλονται σὲ λέξεις ποὺ δὲν ὑπάρχουν στὸ λεξικὸ τοῦ πολυτονιστῆρα, ἀλλά καὶ σὲ λέξεις/φράσεις τῶν ὁποίων ὁ τονισμὸς ἐξαρτᾶται ἀπὸ τὰ συμφραζόμενα καὶ ὅπου ὁ πολυτονιστῆρας ἀδυνατεῖ νὰ ἐπιλέξει τὴν σωστὴ ἐκδοχή. Ἂν βρεθοῦν δύο τονισμοὶ γιὰ τὴν ἴδια λέξη, προβάλλονται καὶ οἱ δύο λέξεις χωρισμένες μὲ κόμμα.

Ξένες λέξεις γραμμένες μὲ τὸ λατινικὸ ἀλφάβητο ἀφήνονται ὡς ἔχουν. Τὸ ἴδιο καὶ κεφαλαιογράμματες ἑλληνικὲς λέξεις καὶ ἀρκτικόλεξα.

Τὸ πρόγραμμα βρίσκεται ὑπὸ συνεχῆ ἐξέλιξιν (ἔκδοση beta). Κάθε σχόλιο καὶ ἐπισήμανση λάθους μᾶς βοηθοῦν νὰ τὸ βελτιώσομε. Εὐχαριστοῦμε προκαταβολικὰ γιὰ τὴν ἀπόκρισή σας.

Cannot add email account to Outlook 2019 where the username is not the email address

Open control panel mail – you can use the /manageprofiles switch to open it – right-click on the Start button and choose Run or press Windows key + R to open the Run command.
Type or paste the following into the Open field and press Enter or click OK to restart Outlook. (There is a space before /.)
outlook.exe /manageprofiles

Hellas Path – Ιστοσελίδα και εφαρμογή με αρχείο ορεινών διαδρομών για GPS στα Ελληνικά βουνά


To Hellas Path είναι μία σημαντικά χρήσιμη ιστοσελίδα για όσους ασχολούνται με ορειβασία ή με πεζοπορία σε ορεινές περιοχές. Αποτελεί μία συλλογική προσπάθεια της ελληνικής κοινότητας στη δημιουργία ενός αρχείου ορεινών διαδρομών για GPS. Η ιστοσελίδα διαθέτει αυτήν τη στιγμή 679 διαδρομές σε 121 ελληνικά βουνά και συνολικά 6,373,765 μέτρα μονοπατιών.

Όλα τα μονοπάτια έχουνε καταγραφεί με φορητό GPS και υπάρχει περιγραφή των διαδρομών με επισήμανση των σημαντικών τοποθεσιών. Παράλληλα, όλο το αρχείο της ιστοσελίδας είναι διαθέσιμο εντελώς δωρεάν, ενώ ανανεώνεται με αρκετά μεγάλη συχνότητα. Καλό θα ήταν πριν ξεκινήσετε μία εξόρμηση, να βεβαιωθείτε πως έχετε κατεβάσει την πιο πρόσφατη έκδοση της διαδρομής.

Τέλος, πρέπει να σημειωθεί πως η αντίστοιχη Android εφαρμογή επιτρέπει την τοπική αποθήκευση των διαδρομών, ώστε να μην χρειάζεται σήμα κινητής τηλεφωνίας.

Σημαντική προειδοποίηση από την ομάδα του Hellas Path:

“Οι χρήστες πρέπει να έχουν υπόψη τους ότι δεν πρέπει να ποτέ να εμπιστεύονται απόλυτα ούτε τον δέκτη gps ούτε τα δεδομένα, και να χρησιμοποιούν παράλληλα και άλλες αξιόπιστες χαρτογραφικές πληροφορίες, την άμεση παρατήρηση και την εμπειρία τους. Κανένα ηλεκτρονικό εξάρτημα δεν μπορεί να αντικαταστήσει τον κοινό νου και την καλή γνώση των παραδοσιακών τεχνικών προσανατολισμού με τη χρήση χάρτη, πυξίδας και αλτίμετρου. Παραδοσιακών τεχνικών, που αποτελούν μέρος μιας στοιχειώδους ορειβατικής εκπαίδευσης, και είναι εντελώς απαραίτητες αν θέλει κάποιος να κινηθεί στο βουνό και μακριά από τους δρόμους με ασφάλεια.”

Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες και σύνδεσμος λήψης εδώ.

Windows 10 English vs. English International – Which one to choose when?

Microsoft offers more than 100 languages which you can choose provided you have a valid license. For some users, selecting a language is a no brainer step, while for users who live in English speaking countries, this step can be quite confusing. The reason is that the installation setup would provide you with two options Windows 10 English and English International.

Windows 10 comes with the same features irrespective of which language version you are using. The main difference between the Windows 10 English and English International is the spelling. Both the version has few minor spelling differences like the English version drops the usage of letter u in some words in order to match the spelling with pronunciation. For example, the Windows 10 English International spells the word as ‘coloUr’ while English version spells the word as ‘colOr’.Similarly, the word ‘personaliZation’ in the English version is spelled as ‘personaliSation’ in Windows 10 English International. In general, Windows 10 International targets people who know British English and English version are meant for the Window users living in the United States.

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Microsoft drops one-off Office licenses from its Home Use Program

The company really, really wants you to buy Office as a subscription.

Microsoft will no longer sell one-off licenses for Office 2019 as part of its Home Use Program (HUP). As spotted by Computer World, the company updated it HUP frequently asked questions page to confirm: “Office Professional Plus 2019 and Office Home and Business 2019 are no longer available as Home Use Program offers.”

The HUP is a program aimed at employees in eligible companies, allowing them to buy the same Microsoft products they use at work to use at home. Previously, employees had been offered discounted rates for perpetual licenses. Now, they will have to purchase a subscription with a 30 percent discount, costing $48.99 a year for Office 365 Personal or $69.99 a year for Office 365 Home.

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Credits: Georgina Torbet@georginatorbet

New Greek survey highlights importance of educating parents to children’s internet uses

The Greek Safer Internet Centre (SIC) SaferInternet4Kids carried out a survey among 14,000 students aged 10-17 concerning children and teenagers’ online behaviours in Greece, and presents some of the main findings below.

The internet is an amazing place that opens up new horizons for knowledge, communication and entertainment. It offers young people excellent opportunities and a wealth of activities to enhance their skills and empower their knowledge and creativity. Yet, the digital space knows no limits and accepts no centralised control. Due to this openness, significant risks lurk. Online harassment, addiction, cyberbullying, theft of personal data and misinformation are just some of the challenges today’s parents and teachers have to face in order to ensure a safe and qualitative “digital life” for children.

While parental supervision and guidance are essential prerequisites for children to learn and adopt positive and safe practices online, the survey shows that a large proportion of parents in Greece do not dedicate enough care and attention to their children’s internet uses, not setting limits and rules, even for the youngest ones.

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