Today class D finished our school video to present it to our partners in the eTwinning project ‘Happy or sad, show it through art’. The pupils worked together as a group and decided themselves what and how to describe it while speaking English or writing the captions in English. The outcome is beautiful! Congratulations everyone! Excellent work!
Αρχεία για 'Projects' Κατηγορία
Our beautiful school
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, 2020-2021 school year, eTwinning 2020-2021, Happy or sad, show it through Art, Projects, projects 2020-2021 με ετικέτεςclass D' , στις 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2021 από Lenia KWe love Eastern Aegialeia
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, 2nd Primary School of Akrata, Projects, projects 2011-2012, Video , στις 4 Απριλίου 2013 από Lenia KA year ago the 1st and 2nd Primary Schools of Akrata along with Aigeira Primary School participated in the video challenge ‘I love my hometown’ hosted by the Greek School Network. Each school had to make a video that presented its hometown. In our case, all three schools worked together and collected material to present the area. The pupils of the 1st and 2nd Primary Schools of Akrata even wrote the captions in English during the English lesson. The video came out really nice. Let’s remember it:
Museum leaflet
Κατηγορία 2nd Primary School of Akrata, Adopting Platanos Folk Art Museum Project, Projects, projects 2012-2013 , στις 3 Απριλίου 2013 από Lenia KWithin the framework of the cultural project that’s been held in our school entitled ‘Adopting Platanos Folk Art Museum’, Class ST’ designed a museum leaflet in English, so that when a foreing tourist visits it, they can read some basic information regarding the museum. The pupils wrote the text about the history of the museum and the exhibits, they made a museum interior map, they wrote all the practical information a tourist might need and made drawings of the area and the museum’s interior. It was a wonderful group work!
Please, click on the photo to flip through the leaflet.
A beautiful ending
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2012, Sing and Write Christmas, Projects, projects 2012-2013 , στις 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 από Lenia KToday it was the day that class E’ presented the eTwinning project, called Sing & Write Christmas, to their parents and classmates.
Christmas Cards Exchange
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2012, Christmas Cards Exchange, Projects, projects 2012-2013 , στις 24 Οκτωβρίου 2012 από Lenia KWhen class D’ heard that class E’ will participate in a Christmas project, demanded that they would ,too! So, they are!
They are participating in a CHRISTMAS CARDS EXCHANGE eTwinning project, during which, they will send to and receive cards from an English School called Norton Community Primary School (click HERE to visit their website). Today they made and wrote the cards in the shape of a Christmas tree.
We all had lots of fun, and the kids were so proud of their cards!
Master chefs!
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 29 Μαΐου 2012 από Lenia KLast Thursday class ST’ finished recording on video some of the most popular Greek recipes to send to their Polish friends.
Making a cheese pie: this one is tough!
Here’s what they did:
They discussed in groups and came up with a full Greek menu consisting of two appetizers, a salad, a main dish and two desserts.
The morning after: the chicken before it was devoured by the kids !!!
The Greek salad was eaten on the spot! It smelled awesome!
The apples are ready to get into the oven!
They asked their mothers to give them the recipes.
They wrote the recipes in English in groups.
M-Star created this beautiful photo of their menu.
They executed them in class and recorded them on camera. Some of them was reading out the recipes, while the other ones were either acting it out or recording it!
Cooking, reading, recording- juggling everything at once! Wow!
The preparation was so fun! We had many laughs while making the food! Their classmates got lucky, too, as they tasted the food the next morning! They didn’t even let the teachers have a bite! They absolutely loved the dishes!!!
Attention to detail: food styling by Bebbie & Anastasia
The videos are finally ready:
To see the appetizers video click here.
For the salad & main course video click here.
To see the desserts video click here.
Now, they’re waiting to see their Polish friends’ traditional dishes.
Well done, kids!
That was really fun!
Our school in pictures
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 7 Απριλίου 2012 από Lenia KClass ST‘ prepared a special presentation to show their Polish friends their school. They worked really hard for it!
They took the photos, wrote the description in groups and edited it, all by themselves. Although it took them many hours to prepare, they were so happy with the result that they also published it in e- Writers (Our school page)!
This way, e-Writers’ readers will have information on our school thanks to class ST’ anytime!
Well done, kids! You did a great job, as always!
Easter wishes to Poland!
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 6 Απριλίου 2012 από Lenia KToday class ST’ sent their Easter wishes in English and in Greek to their friends from Poland.
They really enjoyed it and are looking forward their Polish friends’ response!
To read their beautiful wishes, click here.
Easter wishes to Demenica Primary School
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, Let's get to know each other project 2011-2012, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 4 Απριλίου 2012 από Lenia KToday class E’ exchanged Easter wishes with their friends from Demenica Primary School in Patras.
They really enjoyed it and promised to talk to them again after the holidays.
To read their beautiful wishes, click here.
Fantastic weather report
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eWriters project, 2011-2012, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 4 Απριλίου 2012 από Lenia KClass D’ posted their first weather report!
They drew pictures, they wrote the report on the computer and prepared their posting.
The outcome is beautiful!
You can look at it here.
Well done kids!
Pancake Day at school
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, Culture, Projects, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 από Lenia KOn February 21st it was Shrove Tuesday in the UK. In order to learn more about this special day -the last before Lent- and compare it to the Greek customs, class ST’ had a special pancake day lesson on Friday 24th.
It was a pancake extravaganza!
Class ST’ worked overtime!
They wrote a pancake recipe, solved a Shrove Tuesday quiz, prepared tons of pancake batter, cooked pancakes, presented a short theatrical play, organized a pancake race for the whole school to compete at and drew the winners’ prizes: wooden spatulas.
The theatrical play was very interesting and fun and the pancake race was absolutely hilarious! All classes, the kindergarten, AND the teachers took part!
I don’t need to tell you about the pancakes…they were delish! Yummy!!!
It was an amazing day and everyone had lots of fun thanks to class ST’ !
Well done, class ST!
It was a day to remember!
For more info and photos, please take a look at the upcoming postings on E-writers.
Chat with our Polish friends
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 από Lenia KOn Friday, 3rd February, the pupils of class ST’ talked about their daily routines with their Polish friends on the ‘Twinspace’. They used a tool called ‘Chat’. Their communication took place from 9:oo-9:40 am.
It was an amazing experience!
At first, they were anxious to begin and when they did, they were excited to recieve their Polish friends messsages. Every time a Polish group joined the chat they screamed: ‘Fabulaz Girls are in!!!’ . Then, similarly when they got a message they said to one another: ‘They replied!’ .They came to me telling me what their Polish friend wrote them in enthusiasm!
The Polish pupils were just as enthusiastic , although they were a bit worried about their English! Their teacher, Mrs Monica wrote :
They were thrilled when they discovered that there are so many similarities between Polish and Greek students! “They like sports, just like we do!”, “They love cats! We love animals, too!”, “I wrote them I like chocolate and they answered that they also like it!”. There were also some disappointments: “Yyy… they like Justin Bieber… He isn’t so popular in Poland…” or “Hmm… They don’t play computer games as often as we do… they don’t even know the names of games popular between us!”
We said goodbye to our friends, hoping to meet them online again.We left the computer lab talking about how good use of technology can bring people together…Think about it…There was a class at the same day and time somewhere in Europe, so far away from us yet so close…
Christmas customs in Poland and Greece
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 από Lenia KLast December class ST’ prepared a presentation to present Greek Christmas and New Year’s customs to their Polish friends whom they work with in the e-Twinning project called Far Away, So Close. Similarly, the Polish pupils prepared a presentation with the Polish Christmas customs. Both Polish and Greek pupils enjoyed the presentations and learned a lot.
Here are their excellent works:
eTwinning: Far away, so close
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Projects, projects 2011-2012, Teacher's Announcements , στις 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 από Lenia KMy dear pupils, if you want to visit our project’s twinspace, follow these steps:
1. click here
2. click on LOG IN
3. write your passwords
You’ re in!
You can also visit the project diary and write your comments or write a posting yourselves!
Read, write and have fun!
PS. Send me a comment to tell me if you liked it!
Κατηγορία eTwinning 2011, Christmas Around Europe, Projects , στις 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 από Lenia K
Yesterday class D’ opened the cards that our European friends sent us!
And look how many they received!!! Wow!
The kids were absolutely thrilled!
Each group chose a card, they read it, presented it to the rest of the kids and then they put it on the notice board!
They also hung the beautiful decorations on our tree.
What’s more, each pupil was sent a card and an ornament from their English e-pals!
Here they are:
It’s here!
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, Let's get to know each other project 2011-2012, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 από Lenia KA card from Demenica Primary School had been waiting patiently under our tree for two days, until this morning!
Today class E’ opened the beautifully wrapped card they received from their e-pals from Patras!
They were so excited! The card was absolutely amazing! Colourful and full of warm wishes!
Now, it decorates our English room and will remind us of our friends in Patras every time we look at it!
Thank you miss Alex and class E’!
And have yourselves a Happy Christmas!
Click here to see more photos of the Christmas card exchange in miss Alex’s website!
Our Christmas card travels to Demenica Primary School
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, Let's get to know each other project 2011-2012, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 από Lenia KClass E’ made a perfect Christmas card especially for their e-pals from Demenica Primary School to wish them a Happy Christmas.

Dressed in red and white! So Christmassy!
The card is now in Patras decorating Demenica’s English room!
As I’m hearing ;), our friends liked it very much and they sent us one, too! Looking forward to opening their card tomorrow!
More cards for class D’
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011, Christmas Around Europe, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 από Lenia KCards received!!!
Κατηγορία 1st Primary School of Akrata, eTwinning 2011, Christmas Around Europe, Projects, projects 2011-2012 , στις 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 από Lenia KHave a wonderful, sparkling, festive December everyone !!!
We’re so excited because cards f rom all over Europe keep coming in our school, especially for the pupils of class D’ !
Take a look at the first ones we received!
We’d like to thank all our European friends for their cards and wishes!!!
They’re all wonderful!
Busy Bees
Κατηγορία eTwinning 2011, Christmas Around Europe, eTwinning 2011-2012, Far away, So close, Let's get to know each other project 2011-2012, Projects, Teacher's Announcements , στις 24 Νοεμβρίου 2011 από Lenia KThere has been a lot of hustling and bustling in our English room and our computer lab this month!
Because we are lucky to be working on wonderful projects that enable us to meet new people and become their friends using English as our vehicle!
What are these projects?
Take a look below:
Class D’ is participating in an e-Twinning project called ‘Christmas Around Europe’. The project entails Christmas cards and ornaments exchange and Christmas customs presentation between 9 European countries! Besides our school, there are primary schools from England, Italy, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Estonia and Greece! The cards are on their way and the pupils are eagerly waiting for them! Click here to visit the project’s site.
Class E’ is communicating with class E2 of the Demenica Primary School in Patras through emails and the project is called ‘Getting to Know Each Other’ . So far they have exchanged two mails talking about themselves, daily routines and their likes and dislikes. They are really excited and they look forward to the next email from their friends. If you want to see their mails click here.
Class ST’ is participating in an e-Twinning project called ‘Far Away, So Close’ and they are going to communicate with a primary school in Zabór, Poland. Their Polish friends have already sent them emails saying a few things about themselves. Other topics to discuss will be describing our countries & hometowns, Christmas / Easter customs, school and timetable, national cuisine etc. If you want to vist the site click here.
And of course, all three classes are also amazing e-writers in our fantastic e-magazine!!!
So far class ST’ interviewed our new headmaster and wrote about their favourite countries.
This is the second year of our e-magazine and we hope that our readers will like it as much as they did last year!