Advent Calendar for Kindergarten and Junior classes

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Advent – Super Simple Songs

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Advent – A Countdown to Christmas & the 12 Days of Christmas

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Advent Calendar Box Templates 2

“Advent Calendar Box Templates 2” από διατίθεται με άδεια χρήσης CC by-2.0

Advent is the four-week period beginning on the Sunday nearest the feast day of St. Andrew the Apostle (November 30) through the following three Sundays. 


Advent calendars begin on December 1 and mark the 24 days before Christmas. Today, most Advent calendars include paper doors that open to reveal an image, gifts, Bible verse, or piece of chocolate


Happy Children’s Day

70 years ago UNICEF was established (December 11, 1946) to help children destroyed by World War II.

“Even if one child is deprived of his or her rights, then the concept of “human rights” is abolished. Children need our love and care throughout the whole year, not only on Children’s Day.”- Antonis Samarakis

The Map of the Rights of the Child states:

* I am entitled to come to life. I am entitled to exist.

* I am entitled to grow up in a world without violence and poverty.

* I am entitled to live in a world that respects and protects the natural environment.

* I am entitled to have free access to the magical world of knowledge.

* I am entitled to have free time and space to play.

* I am entitled to know what is good for my physical and mental health.

* I am entitled to spend enough time with my parents.

* I am entitled to live innocent and careless childhood.

* I am entitled to live in a society that protects my personal data.

* I am entitled to enjoy a world of humanity, justice and peacefulness. A world in which my own children will grow up tomorrow.

Children have the right to know their rights! Adults need to be aware about these rights and also help children learn about them.