Αρχική » Άρθρα με ετικέτα 'IES Guimar'

Αρχείο ετικέτας IES Guimar

Erasmus KA210 Eco school Οικολογικό Σχολείο Results

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Activities for Eco School in English Eco School EN ACTIVITIES 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658

Ideas Eco School in English Eco School EN IDEAS 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658

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Δραστηριότητες για ένα Οικολογικό Σχολείο Eco School EL ACTIVITIES 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658

Iδέες για ένα Οικολογικό Σχολείο Eco School EL IDEAS 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658

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Actividades para Eco School en Español Eco School ES ACTIVITIES 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658

Ideas para Eco School en Español Eco School ES IDEAS 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658

Eco activity Animal protection


Voluntary group for animal protection


Students offer their services to Municipality for the protection of animals


To develop social responsibility

To protect animals

To become active citizens


Organise a students’ group

Refer to Municipality

Work together


Posters, personal contribution

Cost of posters, 2 euros per each

Eco activity Clothes repair

Νέα εικόνα


Cloth repair


Students are taught how to repair a worn cloth


To learn basic sewing skills

To become creative

To develop awareness of second hand clothes


Discussion about fast fashion

Ideas for second hand clothes



Cloth, sewing stuff



Eco activity School walls

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Decoration at school area


Taking care of all the environments around us


To make school more beautiful

To follow students’ advice for decoration at school

To do something entertaining and different from school lessons


Teachers organize groups of students that are good at painting

Groups discuss ideas

School walls decoration starts




Cost of colours, about 50 euros per set

Eco activity Rugs from old Tshirts

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Collecting old T shirts to make rugs


The school set empty card boxes for students to throw away old T shorts. Then old T shirts are used to make rugs. A creative idea that supports recycling, circular economy and produces useful household items


To re use old clothes

To understand ecology and circular economy

To produce something new


Announcement at school community

Cardboxes for collecting T shirts

Teachers coordinate re use of T shirts till the production of rugs


Old T shirts


Zero cost

Eco activity Painting on burnt wood

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Painting on burnt wood to be presented at school


Students visited the burnt area in the forest near Guimar. They collected pieces of burnt wood and then had them painted at school. All the paintings were used for decoration at school corridor


To develop environmental awareness

To get the feeling of burnt land by fied trip

To reuse burnt wood for decoration


Field trip at the burnt forest

Free time for students collecting wood

Decoration of wood


Wood, colours


Cost of water colours, about 5 euros per set

Eco activity Bags

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Eco bags for students, parents/guardians and friends of the Eco school

Remake of Eco bags from IES Guimar at school facilities

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Eco ideas Artificial Intelligence Chat for Environment


Artificial Intelligence Chat for Environment


Students use AI apps such as Chat GTP, Bard or other free apps to discuss prompts for and against environmental protection


Students learn modern AI technology

Students compare their own experiences and ideas with texts produced by AI

Students experiment with new digital tools


The teacher explains the use of AI apps and suggests prompts for students


Discuss the benefits of building a new hotel

Discuss how the building of the hotel can show protection of the environment


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Eco idea Myths of Nature

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Myths and traditions of Nature


Students search and present myths and traditions related to nature in the area of Guimar or on the island of Tenerife in general


Students relate oral tradition, history and nature

Students learn more about the nature of the Canarians

Students reflect on old traditions


The teacher guides the students to resources, digital, old books, oral traditions that relate to the nature of the Canarias. Students make a research and present to the plenary.

Students try to understand the natural phenomena behind the myths

Guayota, the demon that lives in the Teide

The natives of Tenerife believed that Guayota was the evil entity living in the bowels of the Teide. According to the beliefs of the time, he was the one which was awakening the volcano, spreading fire, lava and ash over the island as it suited him. Its name means “Destroyer”, by the destructive qualities to be associated to the volcanic phenomena, which this entity supposedly was responsible for.

Guayota lived inside the Teide, at a place that connected with the underworld. According to this legend it was Achamán, the supreme god of the Guanches, who after a fierce battle managed to lock Guayota inside the volcano and close it off, achieving peace and tranquility on the island of Tenerife. Assiduously, the Canary aborigines came to the crater to make offerings to this mythological creature. With those they supposedly would appease his fury, preventing to wake him up and that he leaves his dwelling within the Teide.


Eco idea Sustainable Development Goals

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Sustainable Development Goals


Students study Sustainable Development Goals and present those which consider important for environment


Students study SDGs

Students think about the importance of SDGs

Students suggest actions that relate to SDGs


The teacher presents Sustainable Development Goals

Students express their opinion in texts or images in a Padlet


Keep in touch


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