Eco activity recycling
Recycling at school and at home
The students and the local community are not very used to recycling practices. Moreover, the village is about 75 km from the city and it is difficult for families to find a recycling point for big appliances eg a printer or a fridge. So we tried to have the school as a green spot for recycling. We decided to start from school to promote simple, zero cost environmental practices in order to help both students and families to recycle and to develop environmental awareness.
To encourage environmental practices at school and at home
Discussion on the situation of environment the local area at Gennadi in connection with tourism development
Ideas for campaigns and actions
A reusable bag with Eco school was given to each student of the school and to members of local council
Exchange of bags between partner schools to promote Erasmus cooperation
Recycling bins were located in the entrance, yard and classrooms of the school
Posters were made by students for promotion of recycling
Reproduction of posters to show students’ efforts for the environment
Counting the recycling result per month, presentation of progress made
Creation of a green spot at school and the school as intermediate for recycling:
- Asking students to use the bag to bring material for recycling from their home and to train their families to separate recycling material
- Batteries and electric appliances collection at school
- The school organised at a central level collection of all recycled materials for the families
Cloth bags
Communication with recycling companies
Cost of 6 euros per bag
Cost of 30 euros per recycling bin
Cost of 3 euros per reproduction of poster
Zero cost for battery and other recycled material, transfer cost by recycling companies
Erasmus KA210 Eco school Οικολογικό Σχολείο Results
Activities for Eco School in English Eco School EN ACTIVITIES 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658
Ideas Eco School in English Eco School EN IDEAS 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658
Δραστηριότητες για ένα Οικολογικό Σχολείο Eco School EL ACTIVITIES 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658
Iδέες για ένα Οικολογικό Σχολείο Eco School EL IDEAS 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658
Actividades para Eco School en Español Eco School ES ACTIVITIES 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658
Ideas para Eco School en Español Eco School ES IDEAS 2022-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000098658
Eco activity Animal protection
Voluntary group for animal protection
Students offer their services to Municipality for the protection of animals
To develop social responsibility
To protect animals
To become active citizens
Organise a students’ group
Refer to Municipality
Work together
Posters, personal contribution
Cost of posters, 2 euros per each