Greek Teacher Programme Aug 25, 2024→ Aug 28, 2024, CERN Switzerland

Υλοποιήθηκε από 25 Αυγούστου 2024 έως 28 Αυγούστου 2024 επιμόρφωση 35 εκπαιδευτικών από την Ελλάδα στο Ερευνητικό Κέντρο CERN της Γενέυης στην Ελβετία.

This Greek Teacher Programme 2024 took place from 25-28 August 2024. Lectures, on-site visits, exhibitions, and hands-on workshops introduced its participants to cutting-edge particle physics. The participants went back to Greece as ambassadors, who pass on the subject to their next generation of physicists, engineers, IT specialists…

image 2024 08 28 18 17 11 011

Συγκεκριμένα το πρόγραμμα της επίσκεψης ήταν το παρακάτω:

3:00 PM 6:00 PM

Welcome to CERN! 500/1-001 – Main Auditorium

  • 3:00 PM

    Basics @CERN 30m

    Speaker: Panagiota Chatzidaki (Uppsala University (SE))

3:30 PM

Programme Objectives 30m

Speaker: Jeff Wiener (CERN)

4:00 PM

Introduction to CERN 1h

Speaker: Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
      • 5:00 PM
        Welcome Reception 45m
  • Monday, August 26
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM

      Lectures 40/S2-D01 – Salle Dirac

      • 9:00 AM

        Introduction to Particle Physics 1h

        Speaker: Nicholas Tracas (Nat. Techn. Univ. Athens)
      • 10:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 10:30 AM

        Introduction to Detector Physics 1h

        Speaker: Stella Orfanelli (CERN)
    • 11:30 AM
      Coffee break 30m
    • 12:00 PM

      Introduction to Particle Detector Electronics 45m

      Speaker: Kostas Kloukinas (CERN)
  • 1:00 PM 2:15 PM
    Lunch break 1h 15m
  • 2:15 PM 3:00 PM

    Lectures 503/1-001 – Council Chamber

    • 2:15 PM

      Arduinos for the classroom 45m

      Speakers: Andromachi Tsirou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR)), Chrysostomos Valderanis (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE)), Piero Giorgio Verdini (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
    • 3:15 PM 5:00 PM


      • 3:15 PM

        Synchrocyclotron & ATLAS control room 1h 45m

        The whole group meets in the Main Building at 15:15!

        Group 1
        15:15-15:30 Walk from the Main Building to the SC
        15:30-16:00 Synchrocyclotron
        16:00-16:15 Walk from the SC to ATLAS
        16:15-16:45 ATLAS control room
        16:45-17:00 Walk from ATLAS to the Main Building

        Group 2
        15:15-15:30 Walk from the Main Building to ATLAS
        15:30-16:00 ATLAS control room
        16:00-16:15 Walk from ATLAS to the SC
        16:15-16:45 Synchrocyclotron
        16:45-17:00 Walk from the SC to the Main Building

  • Tuesday, August 27
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM

      Lectures 13/2-005

      • 9:00 AM

        Knowledge Transfer 45m

        Speaker: Nick Ziogas (CERN)
      • 9:45 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 10:15 AM

        Introduction to Particle Accelerators 1h

        Speaker: Ilias Efthymiopoulos (CERN)
      • 11:15 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:45 AM

        Introduction to Computing 1h

        Speaker: Florentia Protopsalti (CERN)
    • 1:00 PM 2:15 PM
      Lunch break 1h 15m
    • 2:15 PM 5:00 PM


      • 2:15 PM

        Cloud Chamber Workshop & Exhibitions 2h 45m

        The whole group meets in the Main Building at 14:15!

        Group 1
        14:15-14:30 Walk to Science Gateway
        14:30-15:45 Cloud Chamber Workshop
        15:45-17:00 Science Gateway Exhibitions

        Group 2
        14:15-14:30 Walk to Science Gateway
        14:30-15:45 Science Gateway Exhibitions
        15:45-17:00 Cloud Chamber Workshop

    • 6:45 PM 9:30 PM

      Social Events

      • 6:45 PM

        Take public transport from CERN to the Cave Valaisanne 45m

        Please buy the “Tout Genève 1h” ticket (3CHF) to take tram 18 from CERN to “Gare Cornavin”. Change there for tram 15 (direction: Palettes) and go to “Cirque”, which is opposite the Cave Valaisanne.

      • 7:30 PM

        Official Dinner of the Greek Teacher Programme 2024 2h Cave Valaisanne (Geneva)

        Although it’s the formal dinner of the programme, please wear clothes, which you feel comfortable in.

        Cave Valaisanne – Chalet Suisse
        BD Georges-Favon, 23
        1204 Genève

  • Wednesday, August 28
    • 9:00 AM 12:00 PM

      Workshops 503/1-001 – Council Chamber

      • 9:00 AM

        Perimeter Institute Workshop 3h

        Speakers: Damian Pope (Perimeter Institute), Olga Michalopoulos (Perimeter Institute)
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM

      Closing Session 503/1-001 – Council Chamber

      • 12:00 PM

        What’s next? 30m

        Speaker: Jeff Wiener (CERN)
      • 12:30 PM
        Certificates & Goodie Bags 30m

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