Αρχεία για Καινοτόμες Δράσεις
Επίσκεψη της Υπουργού Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων στο σχολείο μας για την εμπειρία μας από τα Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων
15 σταθεροί υπολογιστές και οθόνες για το Εργαστήρι Πληροφορικής από το πρόγραμμα “Δεσμός για τα σχολεία!!”
Το σχολείο προσπαθεί να συνεχίσει το εκπαιδευτικό έργο σε αυτή τη δύσκολη συγκυρία που βιώνουμε λόγω της πανδημίας, προσφέροντας ποιοτική εκπαίδευση στα παιδιά μας σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό το σχολείο μας συμμετέχει σε ποικίλα Ευρωπαϊκά και Ερευνητικά Προγράμματα ώστε τα παιδιά μας να αποκτήσουν δεξιότητες του 21ου αιώνα και να μπορούν να έχουν τα απαραίτητα εφόδια για την κοινωνία του αύριο.
Για όλα τα παραπάνω, η παραπάνω προσφορά μας είναι πολύτιμη αφού θα υποστηρίξει αποτελεσματικά τόσο τη μαθησιακή διαδικασία όσο και ευρύτερα το έργο των εκπαιδευτικών. Οι ηλεκτρονικοί υπολογιστές έχουν τοποθετηθεί στο Εργαστήριο Πληροφορικής.
Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ που υποστηρίζετε το πολυδιάστατο έργο μας.
Ευχαριστούμε, επίσης, ιδιαίτερα την κ. Βαλεντίνα Βιτάλη Υπεύθυνη Προγράμματος “Δεσμός για τα Σχολεία”.
On line meeting on 22nd June 2021. Project: “Teachers4Europe: “The wider world, connections and links”
A really special day…
Students and teachers from Greece, India, Poland, UK
5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi – Helmeio, Athens, Greece (4th grate), 14th Primary School of Neo Irakleio, Athens, Greece, Primary School of Literacy India in Gurgaon, India, Primary School nr 37, ZSO nr 5, Zabrze, Poland, Greek Primary School in London, England.
Teachers of 5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi – Helmeio:
Vivi Belegrinou, Class Teacher
Antonia Pafiliari, Art Teacher
Kaltsa Vikie, French Teacher
Gogo Koutsiafti, Music Teacher
Hara Bouta, Ambassador of KA3 Erasmus+ Project
As 5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi – Helmeio and Primary School nr 37, ZSO nr 5, Zabrze, Poland belong to the UNESCO Schools Network (@https://aspnet.unesco.org/en-us), our mission is to promote ideals of UNESCO to young people, especially in the fields of development of education, arts and sciences, natural environment, cultural heritage and human rights. | |
This project is part of KA3 Erasmus + project named: “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture”. @https://www.teachers4europe.eu/el/
Αξιοποιήθηκε υλικό από τα Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων. Αξιοποιήθηκε υλικό από τα Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων. Ενδιαφέρομαι και Ενεργώ – Κοινωνική Συναίσθηση και Ευθύνη |
As our school belongs to the UNESCO Schools Network… – Οι μαθητές της Δ’ τάξης δημιουργούν Κυκλαδικά ειδώλια..
Ο σπουδαίος πολιτισμός μας μέσα από τα χέρια και την ψυχή των παιδιών μας… Σε λίγες μέρες θα ταξιδέψουν στην Ινδία, στην Πολωνία, στην Αγγλία,..
Οι μαθητές της Δ’ τάξης του 5ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Αγίας Παρασκευής – Χέλμειο, δημιουργούν Κυκλαδικά ειδώλια.. |
The project is part of KA3 Erasmus + project named: “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture”@https://www.teachers4europe.eu/el/.
Ambassador KA3 Erasmus + project: Hara Bouta |
As our school belongs to the UNESCO Schools Network (@https://aspnet.unesco.org/en-us), our mission is to promote our culture… | |
Antonia Pafiliari, εκπαιδευτικός των Εικαστικών, σε ευχαριστούμε πολύ!
Vivi Belegrinou, Class Teacher Kaltsa Vikie, French Teacher
On line Cisco Webex meeting on 11th May through etwinning project 5-Teachers4Europe: “I know my rights – Everybody different, everybody equal!”.
As our school belongs to the UNESCO Schools Network (@https://aspnet.unesco.org/en-us), our mission is to promote ideals of UNESCO…
Αξιοποιήθηκε υλικό από τα Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων. Ενδιαφέρομαι και Ενεργώ – Κοινωνική Συναίσθηση και Ευθύνη |
At this meeting we wereteachers from the following schools:
5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi – Helmeio, Athens, Greece (Α1, Α2, Δ)
16th Primary School of Chalandri, Athens, Greece
3rd Primary School of Neo Psychiko, Athens, Greece
Primary School of All Saints Orthodoxy Charity Limited, Uganda
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Świdniku, Świdnik, Poland
Primary Greek School in London, UK
The project is part of KA3 Erasmus + project named: “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture”@https://www.teachers4europe.eu/el/.
Hara Bouta, Ambassador of KA3 Erasmus+ Project |
Thanks to dear Irene Victo and Paraskevi Namuyanja today we had a different online experience… | |
I would like to especially thank my dear colleagues, all the teachers of my school who work hard for making this program happen…
Vikie Kaltsa, French Teacher, Deputy Headteacher,
Antonia Pafiliari, Art Teacher
Vivi Belegrinou, Teacher of the 4th Grade,
Lia Rizoglou, Teacher of the 1st Grade,
Maria Rova, Teacher of the 1st Grade |
eTwinning project 5-Teachers4Europe:”I know my rights – Everybody different, everybody equal!”
Σχετικά με το έργο
We live in a multicultural society. In our everyday life we communicate with
people with different language, different culture and different habits. Diversity is
a situation that we face in schools, in neighborhoods, in all the places we are. In
order to communicate and live harmoniously without tensions we have to respect
each other.
Everyone has rights and obligations. We live in a society and we all interact with
each other. Children are a sensitive age group and in order to be able to live in
harmony with others they need to know and understand their rights. They also
have to understand and behave according to the rules. They must embrace
diversity, listen carefully and accept that everyone is different and equal.
5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi – Helmeio, Athens, Greece (Α1, Α2, Δ)
16th Primary School of Chalandri, Athens, Greece
3rd Primary School of Neo Psychiko, Athens, Greece
Primary School of All Saints Orthodoxy Charity Limited, Uganda
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Świdniku, Świdnik, Poland
Primary Greek School in London, UK
To know and understand their rights
To understand themselves and behave according to the rules
To embrace diversity
To listen carefully and understand others
To understand and accept that everyone is different and everyone is equal
To provide a general overview of the history of EU so that they become aware of the importance of and necessity for a Union at European level.
To provide learners with the knowledge they need in order to understand diversity and the situation of refugees.
Step 1.
Through artworks that refer to Europe learn the story of Europe. Play the game “Bringing Europe to school teachers.
Step 2
Define the meaning of the word “rights”. Play games.
Step 3
Drawing of rights
Step 4
Imagine that you are going to live in a new empty city. What kind of rules will you create?
Step 3.
Define the meaning of the word “refugee”. Read a story. Role playing.
Step 4.
Make the suitcase of a refugee.
Communicative skills
Technique in speaking
Critical thinking
Ability to cooperate with others
Self- awareness
To know each other better
Videos, PowerPoint presentations, e-books
The project results can be disseminated through a presentation to other school classes and/or to parents, through posts in the social media, through a paper.
On line Cisco Webex meeting on 8th April 2021 through etwinning project: Teachers4Europe:»MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME! (ΣΑΝ ΣΤΟ ΣΠΙΤΙ ΣΟΥ!)».
Today was one more wonderful and unique day for all of us.
92 students and teachers from four different countries are meeting to get to know each other and to present their country, their city, their school.
“I welcome you all! I especially welcome our students. It is a true honor for me to be with you today. Dear children, you are our future. I make a promise- we make a promise that through this project we will try to give you the best we can.“
Students and teachers from:
5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi – Helmeio, Athens, Greece (6th grade),
1st Primary School of Neo Psychiko, Athens, Greece,
School for the
Gifted and Talented Students – Tamra, Israel,
Primary School of Mandria, Mandria, Cyprus and
Primary School of Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Chorzelach, Chorzele, Poland.
As our school belongs to the UNESCO Schools Network (@https://aspnet.unesco.org/en-us), our mission is to promote ideals of UNESCO to young people, especially in the fields of development of education, arts and sciences, natural environment, cultural heritage and human rights. | |
The project is part of KA3 Erasmus + project named: “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture”@https://www.teachers4europe.eu/el/.
Ambassador KA3 Erasmus + project: Hara Bouta Αξιοποιήθηκε υλικό από τα Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων: Ενδιαφέρομαι και Ενεργώ – Κοινωνική Συναίσθηση και Ευθύνη |
I would like to especially thank my dear colleagues, all the teachers of my school who work hard for making this program happen…
Panayiotis Kouvelas, Teacher of the 6th Grade
Vivi Gourna, Teacher of the 6th Grade
Christina Dede, Teacher of the 6th Grade
Antonia Pafiliari, Art Teacher
Valina Chavele, English Teacher
Vikie Kaltsa, French Teacher, Deputy Headteacher
Also, I would like to thank Mr. Vassilis Katsimardos who was here with us today. Mr Katsimardos is the Coordinator of Educational work of our School.
On line Cisco Webex meeting on 17th March through etwinning project: “United in Diversity (“Unisdans la diversité”) – Accepting diversity, living in harmony”.
Around165 students and teachers from five different countries are meeting to get to know each other and to present their country, their city, their school. Students and teachers from Tokyo (Japan), London (UK), from Ireland, from Cyprus, from and from Greece! |
As our school belongs to the UNESCO Schools Network (@https://aspnet.unesco.org/en-us), our mission is to promote ideals of UNESCO to young people, especially in the fields of development of education, arts and sciences, cultural heritage and human rights. |
On line Cisco Webex meeting through etwinning project: “United in Diversity (“Unisdans la diversité”) – Accepting diversity, living in harmony”.
A project that is part of KA3 Erasmus + project named: “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture”@https://www.teachers4europe.eu/el/. Ambassador KA3 Erasmus + project: Hara Bouta Αξιοποιήθηκε υλικό από τα Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων: Ενδιαφέρομαι και Ενεργώ – Κοινωνική Συναίσθηση και Ευθύνη |
Schools that participate in the project:
5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi (Helmeio) (4th grade), 8th Primary School of Kifissia, 2nd Primary School of Penteli as well as school in Cyprus, the Episkopi Primary School in Limassol, school in Ireland, the Aghamore National School in Ballyhaunis, school in the UK, the Greek Primary School of London, school in Japan, the Ivy Prep International School Team, in Tokyo. |
I would like to especially thank my dear colleagues, all the teachers of my school who work hard for making this program happen…
Vivi Belegrinou, Teacher of the 4th Grade, Elena Boubouka, Class Teacher, Antonia Pafiliari, Art Teacher, Valina Chavele, English Teacher, Vikie Kaltsa, French Teacher, Deputy Headteacher |
On line Cisco Webex meeting on 16th March 2021: etwinning project: Teachers4Europe – “Climate Change: Our Future – Our planet”.
As our school belongs to the UNESCO Schools Network (@https://aspnet.unesco.org/en-us), our mission is to promote ideals of UNESCO to young people, especially in the fields of development of education, arts and sciences, natural environment, cultural heritage and human rights.
A project that is part of KA3 Erasmus + project named: “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture”@https://www.teachers4europe.eu/el/. Ambassador KA3 Erasmus + project: Hara Bouta Αξιοποιήθηκε υλικό από τα Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων: Φροντίζω το Περιβάλλον |
Today was one more outstanding day for all of us. 115 students and teachers from four different countries are meeting to get to know each other and to present their country, their city, their school. | |
Students and teachers from:
5th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi – Helmeio, Athens, Greece (2nd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade), Primary School of Reverend Benjamini Moshi School» in Moshi/Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, 5th Primary School of Neo Irakleio, Athens, Greece, Astir Lindgren Private School No 105, Warsaw, Poland, Greek Primary School in London, England. |
I would like to especially thank my dear colleagues, all the teachers of my school who work hard for making this program happen…
Vivi Belegrinou, Teacher of the 4th Grade, Agni Zorba, Teacher of the 5th Grade, Marilena Kantioti, Teacher of the 2nd Grade, Evaggelia Paschalidou, Teacher of the 2nd Grade, Manolis Velonias, Class Teacher, Antonia Pafiliari, Art Teacher, Valina Chavele, English Teacher, Vikie Kaltsa, French Teacher, Deputy Headteacher. |