European cybersecurity Month 2022 10 YEARS UNITED AGAINST CYBER THREATS


School of European Education of Heraklion Campaign in Ransomware

In 2022 the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) celebrates its 10-year anniversary, since it was first launched in 2012. After 10 years of hard work and constant evolution, the ECSM campaign has reached a high maturity level and has become a flagship activity, helping change our behavior online, improving the way we act when faced with a cybersecurity threat and eventually reaching the goal of reducing cyber incidents. For its 10-year anniversary, the 2022 edition of the ECSM will be focusing on phishing and ransomware, with a series of activities taking place all over Europe, throughout October.

All the classes of the European School of Education worked together and created three activities for the #CyberSecMonth 2022.

You can find our project in

The students from the English and Greek classes S1,S2,S3

Δρυγιαννάκης Αριστόδημος

Θεωδοσάκης Σπύρος

Κτιστάκης Άγγελος

Νιάρχου Σμαράγδα

Πασχαλίδη Γεωργίνα-Βαλεντίνα 

Πρέκας Γιώργος

Τοπούζα Κατερίνα

Χαρωνίτης Απόστολος

Παπαμιχάλη Μαρίνα
Αντίδωρος Ελένη Μαρία
Μιλένα Αλκυόνη Λινάρδου
Μιχάλης Νάκος

created an online book with the Storyjumper about Ransomware.
You can find the book here

Some students of S4 Class created leaflets using the online tool Canva to inform people about Ransomware and how to protect themselves.

Ransomware Leaflet created by Danae Lampaki

Ransomware Leaflet created by Adonis Fanourakis and Defkalion Keroulis

ALL ABOUT RANSOMWARE created by Maria Kopaka

RANSOMWARE created by Konstantinos Charonitis and Dimitris Nikolaidis

ransome- ware created by Nikolaidis Dimitris by Nina Oikonomou and Despoina Katsaiti by Xronakis Mihalis


Lastly, the students

Panagiotis Xiotakis

Michalis Makridakis

Alexandros Xelidonis

Rasoulis Antonis

Eleni Baltzaki

Norma Mixelidaki

Odysseas Rabosee

from classes S5,S6,S7 created collaborativelly a 3d animation video about Ransomware.

The project was supervised by their ICT teacher Atsalaki Xanthoula and supported by the School of European Education of Heraklion in Crete.