Category Archives: Honors/Awards
ELT Excellence Award 2023
ELT Excellence Award 2023: The ELT Excellence Awards honours excellence in English language teaching and learning offered by Private Primary and Secondary Schools, State Primary and Secondary Schools as well as by Foreign Language Schools in Greece and Cyprus
Award of European Quality Label eTwinning
The European Quality Label evaluates the work of all teachers and students participating in an eTwinning project. The projects which receive a European Quality Label are the ones with the highest ranking among those which received the National Quality Label. … Continue reading
Award of National Quality Label eTwinning
eTwinning Quality Labels are granted to teachers with excellent eTwinning projects. They indicate that the project has reached a certain national and European standard.
Award of Best Scientific Paper in the thematic section “Society and Education” at the 8th International Scientific Conference 2022-Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Award of Best Scientific Paper in the thematic section “Society and Education” for my paper entitled «Investigating the target-setting of teachers’ in-service training in the 21st century: contemporary trends and challenges» while participating at the 8th International Scientific Conference 2022 … Continue reading
Award of Best Scientific Paper in the category “Postgraduate Students” at the 8th International Scientific Conference 2022-Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Award of Best Scientific Paper in the category “Postgraduate Students” for my paper entitled «Investigating the target-setting of teachers’ in-service training in the 21st century: contemporary trends and challenges» while participating at the 8th International Scientific Conference 2022 organized by … Continue reading