Platformer Game Tutorial using JavaScript

This tutorial starts with teaching how to organize the code using the Model, View, Controller (MVC) strategy and the principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Then, it shows how to program movement, draw a tile map, and detect collision. Finally, the tutorial teaches how to animate the sprites, load levels, and collect items.

After watching, you will be able to apply the same priciples to create a game of your own.

You can watch the video here.

3D Printing For All Students Has Never Been This Easy Thanks To @SelfCAD

SelfCAD’s mission is to ensure that 3D design and printing is accessible to everyone. Of course, this includes professional designers; but it also includes hobbyists and students who have little to no prior experience using CAD/CAM software.

Listen to this episode (from TeacherTube).

Skin Retouching with Wavelet Decompose

Skin retouching is a delicate art.

Effective skin retouching can feel like a black art.

There have been various methods detailed in the past for ways to “smooth” skin in GIMP. Those methods ranged from disappointing at best to downright ridiculous at worst. The disappointing methods were simply a product of the best methods available at the time. The ridiculous ones seemed to be due to a lack of subtlety. Continue reading…

Image Processing Tutorial for Beginners: Includes object detection, filtering, and more!

Perfect for the beginner, this demo illustrates simple object detection (segmentation, feature extraction), measurement, and filtering. Requires the Image Processing Toolbox (IPT) because it demonstrates some functions supplied by that toolbox, plus it uses the “coins” demo image supplied with that toolbox. If you have the IPT (you can check by typing ver on the command line), you should be able to run this demo code simply by copying and pasting this code into a new editor window, and then clicking the green “run” triangle on the toolbar.

First finds all the objects, then filters results to pick out objects of certain sizes. The basic concepts of thresholding, labeling, and regionprops are demonstrated with a simple example.

It’s a good tutorial for those users new to MATLAB’s image processing capabilities to learn on, before they go on to more sophisticated algorithms.

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