Bezier curves are the most fundamental curves, used generally in computer graphics and image processing. Bezier curves can be used for creating smooth curved roads, curved paths just like zuma game, curved shaped rivers, etc. in your game.
Ετικέτα: animation
Project Monkaa
“Project Monkaa” is a 5 minutes short animated movie, entirely made with Blender and GIMP and other Free/Open Software programs.
The film will be released on October 22, 2014, available under a Creative Commons license, here in Youtube and with all the movie data on Blender Cloud as well.
Πως να τρέξετε το Mate desktop με 3D εφέ
Aν έχετε εγκαταστήσει το Mate desktop σε Ubuntu και θέλετε να του έχετε και 3D εφέ, ώστε να έχει τον κύβο και όλα τα υπόλοιπα eye-candy που ξέραμε στο Gnome2x θα χρειαστεί να κάνετε καποιες αλλαγές. Αυτές εκτός από τα 3D εφέ, πιθανότατα θα διορθώσουν και καποια μικρα εμφανισιακά θέματα που παρουσιάζει το Mate σε Ubuntu.
Δεν ξέρω αν αυτή η επιλογή είναι ενεργή από default σε καποια διανομη χρησιμοποιεί το Mate ως desktop. Αν όχι ισχύουν ότι θ’ αναφέρουμε πιο κάτω. Το Mate έρχεται από default με έναν διαχειριστή παραθύρων που λέγεται: Marco. Αυτό που χρειάζεται είναι να ορίσουμε το Compiz, αντί γι’ αυτόν: (κλικ εδώ για το υπόλοιπο άρθρο).
One of the First Computer-Generated Films, from 1963 – AT&T Archives
Zajac didn’t make the film to demonstrate computer graphics, however. Instead, he was interested in real-time modeling of a certain theoretical construct. At the time, The Bell System was still deeply engaged in satellite research, having launched Telstar the previous year, with plans to continue developing communications satellites. Zajac’s model is of a box (“satellite”), with two gyroscopes within. In the film, he was trying to create a simulation of movement — the pitch, roll, and yaw within that system. He gives these particulars in an article in the Bell System Technical Journal, from 1964.
Zajac worked at Bell Labs from 1954 to 1983. He passed away in 2011; his last appointment was as part of the Economics faculty at the University of Arizona. For the latter part of his career, he specialized in the economics of communications and telecommunications.
Footage Courtesy of AT&T Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ