The Teacher's Nest

The snowman project

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2024-2025 με ετικέτες , στις 20 Ιανουαρίου 2025 από

Pancake Day 2024

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2023-2024 με ετικέτες , στις 15 Μαρτίου 2024 από

Pancake Day 2024

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2023-2024, 1st Primary School of Akrata, 2023-2024 school year, Easter με ετικέτες, , στις 14 Μαρτίου 2024 από

Today was a great day! Class F presented a short play about the origin of Shrove Tuesday and the pancake race.

The kindergarten pupils recited the ‘Mix a pancake’ rhyme for the whole school and then we went out for a wonderful pancake race in which everyone participated, even the teachers!

For the race we used the pancakes that class F made with their French teacher. Read the Greek article HERE.

Everyone had a blast!


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Class F making French crepes with Mrs Elsa

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The kindergarten is ready for the race!



The play by class F

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Tossing pancakes

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The teachers’ race!

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Tossing pancakes


Everyone is happy!

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Friends: story telling at kindergarten

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2023-2024, 2023-2024 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 από

We read this wonderful book about friendship and then the kids wore masks and played the parts while listening to the story. Finally they drew their favourite scenes.

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Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2023-2024, 2023-2024 school year, eTwinning 2023 με ετικέτες , στις 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2023 από

Autumn poem

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2023-2024 με ετικέτες , στις 15 Νοεμβρίου 2023 από

Bug Hunt

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 8 Ιουνίου 2022 από

Today we went on a bug hunt around the school! We worked in two groups and looked for bugs with the magnifying glasses then kept notes on the worksheets! Back at school we counted and reported in class,; we saw lots of ants, some flies and butterflies, a couple of grasshoppers and spiders. We had a lovely time!

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Crazy bugs

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 3 Ιουνίου 2022 από

After learning the body parts of bugs, the kids made some hungry bugs on green leaves to take home with them. Such an enjoyable activity! Their bugs turned out so unique as they used their imagination.

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Thinking about their bug project using the materials available.


I like flowers in the spring

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year με ετικέτες , στις 20 Μαΐου 2022 από

Today  Happy Benny said he liked spring and flowers. He brought four of his favorite flowers in class and then we did a poll to see which one was the most popular one. Most of the kids liked the rose and the daisy! Then we sang a song. We had a great time!

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The results


Springtime in the garden

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 13 Μαΐου 2022 από

A collaborative project as a follow up to our school outing some time ago.

We drew what we saw that day; the bugs that live in the grass.


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Happy Mother’s Day gift

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 6 Μαΐου 2022 από

The cards and the handmade flowers are ready! We hope mummies will be very happy!

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 6 Μαΐου 2022 από




I love my mummy

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 4 Μαΐου 2022 από

Next Sunday is Mother’s Day , as Happy Benny told us today. He showed us a photo of his mummy  and himself and asked the kids about their mummies and their names. Then we all sang a song and started preparing a card for the special day!

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Egg Hunt

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities, Easter με ετικέτες , στις 15 Απριλίου 2022 από

A wonderful Egg Hunt today in the garden with lots of Easter riddles prepared by Mrs. Konstantina. Everyone had so much fun solving the riddles! And there was a sweet treat in the end. Deeeeeelicious!

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Easter at the Kindergarten

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 13 Απριλίου 2022 από

Today Happy Benny came dressed up as the Easter Bunny carrying a basket full of chocolate eggs! He talked about Egg hunt and the Easter Bunny, showed us photos and videos, we sang a song and then we made an Easter card with the Easter bunny and drew eggs in it.

At the end of the lesson, Happy Benny gave each one a chocolate egg.

Happy Easter everyone!

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It’s springtime! Let’s go outside!

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 8 Απριλίου 2022 από

Today we said goodbye to the brown, yellow and red leaves and said hello to the green leaves and the flowers on our tree poster. Then we all went out to pick flowers. We had so much fun! We were lucky to find lots of ladybugs (our favourite) and butterflies. Then we returned in the classroom and categorized the flowers according to colours. It was a perfect day!

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Goodbye brown, hello green!

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Spring flowers

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 6 Απριλίου 2022 από

It’s springtime! We have started making paper flowers!

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Friendship marathon

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 1 Απριλίου 2022 από

In the previous lesson we talked about friends and Happy Benny introduced his best friend Piggy and we talked about what we do with our friends (play, jump, help each other etc). Today we had a marathon full of pair and group games to see how much we help each other!

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Happy Benny and his best friend

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‘This is my friend’ game

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The telephone game

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Farm animals game & their food

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 23 Μαρτίου 2022 από

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Farm animals role play

Κατηγορία 1st Kindergarten of Akrata, 1st Kindergarten of Akrata 2021-2022, 2021-2022 school year, Classroom activities με ετικέτες , στις 21 Μαρτίου 2022 από

Played with out puppets today and had lots of fun!

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