I am very proud today! Class ST prepared a wonderful presentation for the whole school! They invited all the classes one by one in their classroom and they presented christmas customs from all over Europe! They had collected many things (the poppy crackers, your cards, the wheat, the badjnak, a cracker, the sotcking etc) and they explained all about the customs improvising. They also invited the guest pupils to act out the Lithuanian predictions. Everyone enjoyed it; the guest pupils were listening very attentively and enjoyed participating in the presentation and their teachers congratulated us for the organization, the group work and collaboration they saw. They showed a great interest in the customs and they said that they also learned a lot today. At the end, the kids enjoying the remaining poppy seeds crackers and the Swedish biscuits told me that they loved the project and felt very proud of their presentation that they prepared in only 3 teaching hours! I am one happy teacher today 🙂 !