Despoina Katevaini

Let's learn English

Αρχεία για Νοέμβριος, 2017

B2+ Reading Comprehension/Shakespeare and Unesco

Νοέ 201724

1.What are the Shakespeare papers?(Write at the most, three lines) 2. Why are they considered a part of World’s Heritage for Unesco? (Write a small paragraph explaining the reason why.) Shakespeare and the UNESCO Memory of the World

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B1-B2 Speaking/Comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs(S.B.3,UN.3)

Νοέ 201719

1. Before you watch this video,brainstorm a little and come up with what you associate “Disneyland” with. 2. After you watch the video, compare the Amusement Parks in your school book in the relevant chapter to Disneyland.

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο B1-B2 Speaking/Comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs(S.B.3,UN.3)

B1-B2 Speaking lesson/Comparative vs Superlative Degree of Adjectives and Adverbs (S.B.3,UN.3)

Νοέ 201719 1.Before watching this video take a few minutes to ponder on how would you like English Literature to be taught unconventionally in your class. For example how would you like a poem to be taught in an original way? 2.After watching this video, the class will be divided in two groups and your teacher […]

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο B1-B2 Speaking lesson/Comparative vs Superlative Degree of Adjectives and Adverbs (S.B.3,UN.3)

B2 Leisure time activity Reading about Sustainable development

Νοέ 201716

Read about the Sustainable development in the United Nations relevant platform and prepare it for in class presentation.

B2++ Reading comprehension

Νοέ 201715 After having read the article above supply your answers to the following questions: 1. Define the term “laureate” and supply one example. 2. Define the term “glass ceiling”. 3. What are the basic terms for someone in order for him/her to be awarded this prestigious prize?

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο B2++ Reading comprehension

Leisure time Reading-An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Νοέ 201711

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Leisure time Reading-An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Grammar B1-B2+ Comparative vs. Superlative degrees in Adjectives and Adverbs

Νοέ 20176

Everything there is to know and then some! Enjoy!

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Grammar B1-B2+ Comparative vs. Superlative degrees in Adjectives and Adverbs

Literarure A2 The Globe theater

Νοέ 20173 After you have watched this video be prepared to talk about it in class. Mention things like theater’s architecture-actors-audience. Food for the audience. Price for a ticket

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Literarure A2 The Globe theater

A1 A2 Shakespeare and the Globe Theater

Νοέ 20172 I.After you have watched the video and done all the relative activities supply a short written answer to the following questions; 1. Who is Stephen. 2. What do the two friends do at the Globe Theater. 3. Who was one of the owners of the Globe Theater. II. Join the answers that you have […]

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο A1 A2 Shakespeare and the Globe Theater

B1-B2 Superlative-comparative degrees

Νοέ 20172

από κάτω από: kpg b1/b2 | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο B1-B2 Superlative-comparative degrees
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Νοέμβριος 2017


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