Το σχολείο μας
Εθνικής Αμύνης 8, Θεσσαλονίκη τηλ.2310 329056
(Intercultural Gymnasium of Thessaloniki )
The Intercultural Gymnasium of Thessaloniki is located in Thessaloniki
the capital of Macedonia and second largest city of Greece. It was first established in 316 B.C. by Kassandros and named after his wife, Thessaloniki, half sister of Alexander the Great.
Thessaloniki was the second most important city of the Byzantine Empire, next to Constantinople, and is full of beautiful examples of Byzantine art and architecture.
Today Thessaloniki is a modern city with old houses and neoclassical buildings.
The Diapolitismiko Gymnasio Thessalonikis (Thessaloniki Intercultural High School) was founded in 1985 for the children of emigrants returning to Greece from Germany, the United States and Canada.
Its original name was the High School for Expatriate Greek Children (Gymnasio Apodimon Ellinopaidon).
Early in the next decade, following the mass influx into Greece of refugees from the countries of the former Soviet Union, the profile of the school began to change. Although many of these children were of Greek descent, their first Language was Russian rather than Greek.
Since then the school has continued to receive children from the former Soviet republics, children of immigrants, economic refugees from Albania, China, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Palestine, Lebanon and political refugees from Somalia, Nigeria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, St. Domenicus, Tibet, with none knowledge of the Greek language.
The Greek Embassy or Consulate places entrants in one of the school’s three grades, according to the level they have completed in their country of origin.
Each grade has a beginner’s section, for children with no Greek at all. Children in these sections are given 14 hours a week instruction in Greek as a second language, taught from suitable textbooks, in place of the Ancient Greek and Literature classes prescribed by the regular curriculum.
For all other subjects, all children, whichever language section they are in, follow the regular programme prescribed for Greek schools. Bilingual teachers give some instructions in the children’s native tongue.
Since the year of its foundation, our school has participated in many different activities.
Some of the most important are the following:
- The partnership of our school with the German High School of Troisdorf.
- For several years, the two schools exchanged visits.
- Participation in the COMENIUS 2 Project “Parental Involvement in the Education of Bilingual Pupils: issues, approaches, good practice”. The results of the cooperation among the teachers and the pupils were wonderful.
A Guide titled “Welcome to Greece” for those just arrived to our country.
- A collection of texts written by the pupils after being one year in Greece about their life experiences here, titled:
All children are equal”
- Participation in Ioniki Estia’ s fairy tale contest, titled “A Minor Asia’s fairy tale”. All the fairy tales written by our pupils were published in a book with the title “Fairy Tales”
A commemorative celebration for our school’s 20th anniversary in the Pylaia
- Performance of the theatrical play “The Caucasian chalk circle” of Bertold Brecht in the framework of the Olympic Education Project for human rights
- Many pupils participated along with other schools in various athletic and other cultural events.
- During the environmental education, 4 programs were accomplished
a. My “mobile” problem
b. My school’s backyard
c. A hole in the sky
d. Koronia: SoS from a lake
- The theatre work as part of the school s programme and collaboration with other schools has been presented to the a.Conference of European Schools(Thessaloniki,2001) with the announcement “Odyssevah and the darkness”
- International conference for Theatre in Education(Athens,2004) with the announcement “Towards a visual lingua franca”
The ICT in school
The school has one computer classroom with fifteen computers, connected to a network and the necessary peripheral equipment.
To teaching maths the teachers use a variety math commercial software that the Greek Pedagogical institute has bought the licenses and translate them in to Greek language, Cabri , Geometry. Sketchpad, Function Probe, Modelus and recently the open source software Geogebra
European mathematics projects
Collaborate and exchange teaching experiences on the web in on-line educational project based on Cabri java applets with high school teachers from Belgium and Italy, Sint-Donatusinstituut Merchtem Belgium, Flanders (Ivan de Winne) and Cesare Vivante Bari Italy,(Palmira Ronchi).Subject: From Greek Geometry to ICT: a Virtual School project
Four math problems of antiquity
Three construction problems by the early Greek mathematicians attained the status of classical problems in mathematics:
- Angle trisection
Construct an angle that equals one third of a given angle - Doubling of a cube
Construct a cube whose volume is double the volume of a given cube - Squaring a circle
Construct a square whose area equals the area of a circle These three famous geometrical construction problems were very influential in the development of geometry. They occupied many mathematicians until modern times.Very often another problem is attached to this list; - Construction of a regular heptagon
Construct a polygon with 7 sides. These problems are legendary not because they have no solutions or because the solutions are extremely hard to find. The Greek mathematicians imposed themselves some important conditions for the valid solutions to the construction problems. The only available tools are a straightedge and a compass (and of course a pencil)
2005 – 2006
Etwinning project Com@net(collaborative maths on the net)
“Crop circles challenge” –FIRST PRIZE etwinning awards, Linz 2006
- http://www.etwinning.net
- http://www.vivante.it/com@net
- http://www.math.be
- http://users.sch.gr/dkastani/encrop.html
”Crop circleS challenge”
Crop circles (in French : les agroglyphes, in German : Kornkreise) are geometric, non-geometric or random figures in crops or vegetation. They appear in the form of one simple circle, multiple circles or more extensive and complicated patterns. The dimensions of crop circles differ too. Simple circles can have a diameter of just a few metres but the more complicated patterns can be as big as several football fields. These figures are most commonly witnessed in the South of England, in areas close to old places of worship like Stonehenge or Avebury.
Many patterns of crop circles show such an intriguing structure that they are simply waiting to be discovered. The purpose of this article is not to find out how crop circles are being made. The internet offers a lot of information (but unfortunately also a lot of nonsense) on this subject. Theories about the origin of the circles differ : some see them as messages of aliens, others think they are produced by well organised circle makers (hoaxes), still others think they are the result of exceptional weather conditions.
This article concentrates on the mathematical patterns that are hidden behind the crop circle structures and wants to support the willingness to discover the underlying mathematical patterns that enhance the fascination for the artistic beauty of the patterns.
“Construction with compass and ruler” seems to be a particularly efficient tool for these reconstructions but modern geometry software offers us precision, unknown before. One thing cannot be denied : the makers of crop circles must have a sound knowledge of geometry.
More on http://users.sch.gr/dkastani/encrop.html
1° Crop circle reconstruction