Home » Directorate of Secondary Education in Dodecanese

Category Archives: Directorate of Secondary Education in Dodecanese

TACKED Presentation in Rodos

Presentation of TACKED project in Mediterranean Hotel Rodos.

Greek educational system Overview

The Greek education system is governed by national laws and legislative acts (decrees, ministerial decisions), while the general responsibility for education lies with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.


Directorate / Gymnasio Gennadiou Presentations for Education T.A.C.K.E.D. project

Directorate of Secondary Education in Dodecanese

Secondary School of Gennadi

Drop outs

Directorate / Gymnasio Gennadiou Presentations for Greece T.A.C.K.E.D. project

Presentations by Greek team from Directortate of Secondary Education and Gymnasio Gennadiou Rodou


Greek language


GREECE Directorate of Secondary Education in Dodecanese

Directorate of Secondary Education of Dodecanese is public educational authority, supervising 100 schools, 15.000 students (general and vocational) and 2.500 teachers in the region. Moreover, Directorate supervises adult and lifelong learning institutions in the region of Rhodes and surrounding islands.

Logo competition

Logo competition

Logo competition – finals

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