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Monthly Archives: January 2019

T.A.C.K.E.D. KA 201 Partnership



Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action: Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships for school education

Main objective of the project: Exchange of Good Practices

Call 2018 R1 21-3-2018

“T.A.C.K.E.D.: Traditional Arts and Crafts to Keep away Early Drop-out”



TACKED Meetings

Transnational meetings at project partners level.

1.- Kick-off meeting, at the beginning of the project . The most important meeting in the project: it is on this occasion that almost everything which underpins the future success of the project, is settled. A coordination meeting in order to focus on and clarify important aspects:


New Year Celebrations in Greece

Source Greek Reporter
Do you ever wonder how people in Greece celebrate the annual New Year’s festivities? The country and its people are so passionate about their culture and traditions that it’s no wonder there are so many New Year’s traditions for the holiday that is known in Greece as “Protohronia.” (more…)
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