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Εργασίες από τα παιδιά της Ε και ΣΤ
An interview_Project time@4th Primary School
In today’s world there are hundreds of careers to choose from and it will be a smart idea to spend sometime looking closely at the options you have. You may have many careers in your lifetime. But the decisions you make soon will be key ones… Taking all this into consideration and in order to […]
Environmental project
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Writing a biography @4th Primary School
Project time @12th Primary School
The students of the 5th grade were asked to make their own school canteen menu!!! Enjoy!!!
Creative Writing_An acrostic poem @4th Primary School
My 6th graders were asked to use their imagination and write an acrostic poem about their favourite monsters and/or creatures!! Take a sneak peek at their amazing acrostics!!!
Life cycle of a butterfly_5th Primary School of Neo Iraklio
A few days ago I came across a wonderful craft on the life cycle of a butterfly!! My first graders were thrilled!! If you want to try it out visit www.superteacherworksheets.com/animals/printables/life-cycle-butterfly-wheel, follow the instructions and have fun!! It’s super simple!!
- 4parents (ή η Γωνιά του Γονιού)
- 4students (ή η Γωνιά των μαθητών)
- Audio
- Classroom rules
- Cool tools
- e-class
- Educational videos
- End of school year celebrations
- Erasmus+
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- Etwinning
- Film in the classroom
- Games in the classroom
- Grammar time
- Lifelong Learning/Certificates/Awards
- Miscellanea
- Posters
- Projects
- Songs in the classroom
- Strategy Corner
- Worksheets
- BrainPOP ESL – An Animated Educational Site for English Language
- BusyTeacher: Free Printable Worksheets For Busy English Teachers
- EnglishBanana.com
- Funbrain: Online Games For Kids
- Hellenic American Union
- LearnEnglish Kids – British Council
- LearnEnglish Teens – British Council
- Merriam-Webster: Dictionary and Thesaurus
- MES English – free printable resources for teachers
- Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays for the Classroom – Teaching Heart
- Storynory – Free Audio Stories for Kids
- The KPG exams – RCeL
- xenesglosses.eu
- Διαδραστικά Σχολικά Βιβλία
- Η ξενόγλωσση εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα | ΠΕΑΠ – RCeL
- Ηλεκτρονικό σχολείο ΚΠΓ
- Παιδαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο
- Φωτόδεντρο
Πρόσφατα σχόλια