Erasmus Days

«8th International Conference of EEPEK for the promotion of Educational Innovation»

Presentation and dissemination of the results, within the framework of Erasmus days, at the 8th International Conference of EEPEK for the promotion of Educational Innovation, created at the University of Thessaly on the three days of October 14-16. Our presentation was about the European program Erasmus KA2, 2019-2022 entitled: «Prevention is better than cure, as Hippocrates said» created at the 23rd Kindergarten of Larissa.
Congratulations to all the presenters for the very interesting presentations.

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A collaborative film about Erasmus Days 2021

Erasmus Days 2021


School education


Sports event, competition

Tags: Health

Start time: 10:00 End time: 13:00

We will celebrate Erasmus Days with yard games, sports games and a painting exhibition with children’s works.

Discover the Erasmus + project of this organization:

‘Prevention is better than Cure, as Hippocrates said’ The fundamental purpose of the proposal is the defense, improvement and promotion of mental, physical health and social well-being eating habits.

Erasmus Days 2020

We upload a video, which includes celebrations and short interviews that they show our experience from the Erasmus + program “Prevention is better than Cure, as Hippocrates said” and various children’s sports activities related to prevention and physical health. 


Erasmus Days 2019


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