ΚΑΡΝΑΒΑΛΙ / CARNIVAL – Τεύχος Φεβρουαρίου 2010


της Δέσποινας Καλογήρου

Η λέξη καρναβάλι, σύμφωνα με μια άποψη, είναι ιταλική και προέρχεται από το ‘carne: κρέας’ και ‘vale: γεια σου’. Δηλαδή ‘carne vale’ σημαίνει ‘κρέας έχε γεια’. Σύμφωνα όμως με μια άλλη εκδοχή, η ρίζα της λέξης είναι λατινική από το ‘carne: κρέας’ και ‘levare: αίρω, σηκώνω’, που σημαίνει παύση κρεατοφαγίας.

by Debbie Kalogirou

According to an opinion, the word ‘carnival’ comes from the Italian language, from the word ‘carne’ which means ‘meat’ and the word ‘vale’ that means ‘bye bye’. Thus, it refers to a period when people stop eating meat. According to another point of view, the word ‘carnival’ is of Latin origin, from ‘carne: meat’ and ‘levare: stop’, which again means that we do not eat meat.

THE CARNIVAL OF VENICE – February 2010 Issue

mask2.jpgTHE CARNIVAL OF VENICE by Jim Mortos

When it is carnival time, we wear masks and costumes to have fun, but some cities take this time more seriously. In these places decorations, masks and costumes are innumerable for local people and visitors. One of those cities is Venice, which is located in the north of Italy. It is a city which is also well-known for its canals for the houses that are over the water and its beautiful gondolas.

The preparations start months before the beginning of the carnival. For the world famous masks they use simple colours, like white, black, gold, silver or a mixture of these last colours. They are simple, but they have a perfect design and shape. Their history dates back in the Medieval Ages, when the aristocrats used the masks to get out of palaces easily and seduce women. One of these aristocrats was Jacomo Casanova.

The costume themes are also old, just like Comedia dell’ Arte, with harlequins who represent poor people with their costumes. Another well-known person was Dotore, the doctor of the plague. This costume includes a black uniform and the mask of a hawk, in memory of the illness that cost a lot of lives in Venice.

According to travel agents, magazines and my personal opinion, Venice at this time is a wonderful city with magnificent shows for people of all ages. I think that you should visit this city to see also kings, queens and soldiers under the starry sky of Venice!