Αρχική » Προγράμματα – Όμιλοι » Erasmus+ » Living in a box. Our European Cultural Heritage Museum

Living in a box. Our European Cultural Heritage Museum


Ευρωπαϊκό πολιτιστικό πρόγραμμα Erasmus+

“Living in a box. Our European Cultural Heritage Museum.”

με τον εκπαιδευτικό Γιατρά Π. ΠΕ07 Γερμανικής γλώσσας

Πρόκειται για ένα ευρωπαϊκό πολιτιστικό πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ που υλοποιεί το σχολείο μας σε συνεργασία με σχολεία της Γερμανίας, Πορτογαλίας, Ρουμανίας, Τουρκίας και Τσεχίας.

Το πρόγραμμα φέρει τον τίτλο «Living in a Box. Our European Cultural Heritage Museum» και στόχος του είναι να γνωρίσουμε καλύτερα την ευρωπαϊκή πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά.

Οι διάφορες ομάδες που συμμετέχουν επεξεργάζονται τις θεματικές ενότητες της αρεσκείας τους σε πρώτη φάση σε τοπικό επίπεδο για διαφορετικές πτυχές του πολιτισμού όπως τη λογοτεχνία, την τέχνη, τη μουσική, τη μόδα, τις διατροφικές συνήθειες, τη φιλοσοφία, την αρχιτεκτονική, την ιστορία, τον αθλητισμό.

Tα αποτελέσματα ψηφιοποιούνται σταδιακά και δημιουργείται ένα εικονικό μουσείο ευρωπαϊκού πολιτισμού. Αφού οι μαθητές πληροφορηθούν για τα πολιτιστικά στοιχεία και των άλλων χωρών επιδιώκεται να προκληθεί ένα διαπολιτισμικός διάλογος με απώτερο στόχο να αναδείξει τα κοινά σημεία αλλά και τις διαφορές, να ευαισθητοποιήσει για την ποικιλομορφία και την διαφορετικότητα, η οποία ωστόσο ενώνει την Ευρώπη.

Η ιστοσελίδα μας.

Οι εβδομαδιαίες συναντήσεις μας.

Οι εργασίες μας.

Οι εκδηλώσεις μας.

Οι εκδηλώσεις μας: ΥποδοχήςΕπισκέψεων και Αποχαιρετιστήρια εκδήλωση.

Τι έγραψαν τα ΜΜΕ “ο Ρεπόρτερ της Καλλιθέας” για την αποχαιρετιστήρια εκδήλωσή μας.

Πηγή: 12ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΚΑΛΛΙΘΕΑΣ «ΚΟΣΜΑΣ Ο ΑΙΤΩΛΟΣ» | Reporter Καλλιθέας

This is a European cultural program Erasmus+ in collaboration with schools in Germany, Portugal, Romania, Turkey and the Czech Republic.

The program is titled “Living in a Box. Our European Cultural Heritage Museum” and aims to get to know our European cultural heritage better.

The groups involved are elaborating on the thematic units of their choice first at a local level for different aspects of culture such as literature, art, music, fashion, eating habits, philosophy, architecture, history, sports.

The results are being digitized and a virtual museum of European culture is being created.

Our website.

Our weekly-meetings.

Our projects.

Our events.

Our events: WelcomeSchool visitsFarewell ceremony.



Invitation Letter

Temple of Athena - Acropolis

We are pleased to invite you on behalf of the 12th High School of Kallithea, Athens-Greece, to the Erasmus+ meeting which will be held at this school from 1th November to 5th November 2019.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our country and our school.

With our best regards.

The Headmaster

Panagiotis Valacheas

Erasmus program


7.45 Departure from the hotel Attalos. Breakfast is served from 7.00 a.m.

We walk a few minutes to the Subway Monastiraki Station and take the subway1 to Eleftherios Venizelos (Taurοs)

8.15 Arrival at school.

8.15 -10.45 Meeting for the teachers to discuss the whole project.

10.55 – 11.35 Teachers could attend a lesson upon request.

11.45 Erasmus students: leave the school to go home for relaxation and


Erasmus teachers: Walk to a spot, where a rented bus will be waiting and drive to the restaurant “Liondi”, near Acropolis museum (see attached document for the menu)

12.30 – 14.30 Lunch at the restaurant “Liondi”.

14.15 Erasmus students leave with the bus from Kallithea, destination

Acropolis Museum.

15.00- 17.00 Erasmus students and Erasmus teachers meet at the Acropolis Museum. The whole team is watching a short movie (about 10 minutes) about the Parthenon. Afterwards the whole group will be divided into 3 subgroups and they will be guided by the Greek students.

17.10 Erasmus students: leave with the rented bus at home to rest.

Teachers leave with metro to the hotel Attalos.

17.30-19.15 Arrival at the hotel Attalos and rest.

19.30 Departure from the hotel. We take the subway and go to school for the welcome ceremony.

20.00 Arrival at school. Welcome ceremony. Presentations of the schools. Buffet dinner. Students return at guest homes. Teachers return at the hotel with the subway.


9.00 Departure from the hotel Attalos. You must see what you are going to do with your luggage. I have spoken with the hotel (remind them of it) and they have assured me than you can leave your luggage in the hotel. It’s up to you.

We take the metro to the Hill of Acropolis2.

10.00 -11.15 We meet the Erasmus students. Guidance in the Acropolis by a guide.

11.30-12.00 We stop and take a snack at the area of Areios Pagos. We walk to the Ancient market (Agora).

12.00 -13.00 Guidance in the Ancient market (Agora).

13.30 -15.30 The whole Erasmus group will eat together at the restaurant Thanasis in monastiraki (see attached document for the menu). Every school pays for its students.

15.30 The students will go back to home to rest.

15.30 – 17.30 Free time (Coffee, shopping, Sighseeing).

About 17.45 Teachers will wait at a spot, most likely Syntagma, so that we pick them up for the research trip to Delphi.

Stop in the village Arachova

About 22.00 Arrival at the hotel Stadion in Delphi. The students must sleep in triple rooms. I hope they don’t have a problem. I could not find a hotel so near to the archaeological site and so cheap for this quality. So I hope that the students will be flexible. Of course boys and girls will sleep separately.

1 We took the liberty and bought you an e-ticket for 5 routes (Each ticket costs 6.50 Euro). You need to reload it with 3 more routes. We will discuss it in Athens.

2 In case of rain – by the way till now its summer in Athens- we will go to the National Archaeological Museum with a rented bus.


..9.15 Breakfast. Hotel check out. We walk 600 meter to the archaeological site of Delphi.

9.30 Arrival at the archaeological site.

10.00 -11.45 A guide will guide us.

12.00 Take the bus and go to the restaurant „Ζέμενος“ With the restaurant we had to do a change, because the restaurant we had booked canceled us last minute. Anyway I think this restaurant with the same price is better. You must choose for the main dish between mousaka, meatballs from calf and pork steak and vegetarian meal

12.30 -13.30 Lunch.

14.00 Drive to monastery of Hosios Lucas

14.15 -15.00 Monastery of Hosios Lucas

15.00 -18.00 Arrival in Athens.

21.00 Voluntarily night drink in Monastiraki.


We would like you to come until 10.00 at the school, in order to have a meeting. Afterwards its day off, to shop etc. Shops on Monday close at 15.00. It was not possible that we had another day for shopping, because on Friday we had to do the welcome ceremony and on Tuesday the farewell ceremony. By the way on Monday in Monastiraki, where the hotel is, shops closes usually not at 15.00 and the big department stores also have extended hours.


9.15 You must be at this hour at the school, in order to walk to a spot near the school. From there we all (Erasmus teachers, your students and greek students) leave, destination: The digital museum “Akadimia platonos”.

10.00- 11.30 A guide will show us the museum “Akadimia platonos”.

11.30 -12.00 Snack

12.00 We drive with the bus to the „Cultural centre Hellenic Cosmos”.

13.00-14.00 3D cinema on the subject of the ancient market

14.00 Students: Return at their home

Teachers: Lunch at the fish restaurant “paragadi” (treat from the school).

18.30 Take the subway and meet me at the station Kallithea in order to walk to the central theatre of Kallithea for the Farewell ceremony.

19.00 Farewell ceremony

General notes


  • If you want, you can already tell me, what you would like to eat on Friday at the restaurant Liondi. If not, you can choose spontaneously.

  • About Saturday at noon for the lunch at the restaurant Thanasis: Because we would be 60 people and because it is a very busy restaurant it would be good to tell me what you and your students would like to eat, so that they are ready. The greek students will take kebab (pita wraped) 2,50

  • Sunday at the Zemenos restaurant: Please tell me, what main dish you and your students would like. If one or two people change their mind, it would be not such a big problem.

Meetings at the school

  • It would be great to have a plan about the topics, we are going to discuss, so that we are kind of prepared. (I am German teacher and I have learned English from TV )

We would like to discuss about the mobility’s dates and suggest for example to create some products, such as our countries philosophy in comics or an application featuring a virtual museum etc

Financial issues

I don’t want to be misunderstood, but I need a firmer frame of the costs that each host country should bear. For example I think we have agreed that each host country pays for two meals and each country pays for the transfer.

Is there anything else that the host country and the other countries are used to undertaking? It might be a stupid question for you experienced ones but we for example have a meeting to find out how to manage our finances on the first working day. That’s why our headmaster won’t be at school on Friday when you come.

Behavior of our students.

Because nothing is self-evident, are there any things we should say to our students?

For example, for the host students they cannot leave the house alone. I am saying this because there are also students 16 or 17 years old.

That’s all for now. Next week we will be together.


Πρόγραμμα Αποχαιρετιστήριας Τελετής Farewell Ceremony Program





Greetings from the school director

Valacheas Panagiotis

When hospitality stops the battle

Karataraki Athena

Philogigist teacher

Dance from Epirus

School dance group: Margariti Eleni, Roumelioti Angeliki, Dima Alexandra, Thanasoula Maria & Myroni Constantina

Timeless elements of Athenian democracy

Responsible teacher: Giatras Panagiotis

Presentation: Vassilikou Anna & Markasioti Dimitra

Dance from Pontos

School dance group: Grili Martha, Grili Sofia, Kardara Sofia, Papadimitriou Ioanna & Koutsohioni Marianna

Pericles‘ Funeral Oration

A speech with unique content of educational significance

Responsible teacher: Soulele Panagiota

Presentation: Vraha Aggeliki & Anastasiou Evmorfia

Dance from Thrace

School dance group: Grida Danai, Anastasiou Efremia, Roumelioti Konstantina, Dogia Melina & Pourgianou Evelina

Plato and the allegory of the cave

Responsible teacher: Aggelopoulou Chryssoyla

Presentation: Luska Aikaterini & Grida Danai

Socrates: The founder of Western philosophy

Responsible teacher: Mpartzoka Elvira

Presentation: VrahaAggeliki & Anastasiou Evmorfia, Kardara Sofia


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