Dear parents from Monday 1st June our school reopens for 4 weeks that is up to 26th June.

          For reasons of protection, students won’t come to school every day. Each class splits into two equal groups: group A, group B. The teacher will tell you which group your child is in. Group A comes to school on Monday 1st June, Wednesday 3rd June, Friday 5th June. Group B comes to school on Tuesday 2nd June, Thursday 4th June. The following week, group B comes on Monday 8 June, Wednesday 10th and Friday 12th June. Group A comes on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th June. This will go on for all the four weeks.

          Between desks there is a distance of 1,5 m and one chair at a desk. Desks will be disinfected on a daily basis.

  • Children should also bring a bottle of water that they can fill from the school taps but they cannot drink directly from the taps.
  • A, B, C classes leave between 1:10p.m. and 1:15 p.m. D, E, F classes leave between 1:15 p.m. and 1.20 p.m. It is your duty to arrive in time and take your children.
  • There will be no all-day school. All students leave school at the time we mentioned before.
  • In the case your child is sick do not send him/her to school. Contact your doctor and let the school know about it.
  • Give advice to your child about hygiene measures.
  • When the child coughs or sneezes, he/she must bring the elbow in front of the face and throw away a used handkerchief into the bin.
  • Face mask it is not obligatory but is accepted if you like your children to wear it for more protection.
  • Please keep distances between yourselves, when you bring and take your child from school.
  • Children should frequently wash their hands, always before eating and using the toilet and then they can use antiseptic wipes or gel. There is liquid soap next to the taps and into the toilets. In the toilets and all classrooms children can find antiseptic dispensers on the wall.
  • Children should not touch their mouths, noses or eyes.
  • They should not exchange pencils, rubbers etc, neither consume sweets in case of birthdays or name days.
  • At break time they should stay where their teachers ask them to, always keeping a safe distance. Breaks have changed, so that the older students won’t meet the younger ones at the playground.
  • In the classroom, children sit where they are told to without touching the desks, while entering the room.
  • There won’t be a morning’s prayer in the playground and the students won’t stand in lines. They will follow their teacher’s instructions and enter their classroom, each class at the time. Morning prayer will be held into the classroom.
  • In case a child gets sick, the teacher will put a face mask on him/her and take the child to the proper external place. The teacher contacts immediately the child’s parents, who have to come wearing a mask to pick up their child . They should contact the doctor immediately. In case the doctor suggests a coronavirus test, you should let the school know about the results. The child can come back to school only with the doctor’s certificate.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter the school. They can contact a teacher or the headmistress by sending an e-mail or by making a phone call. In case they need a document, they can use one of the ways we mentioned before (e-mail or phone call). We will give the document to their child.
  • If there are serious reasons and you don’t want to send your child to school, please contact the headmistress by e-mail or by making a phone call. You will be given a petition form to fill it up.
  • We are looking forward to your cooperation so that we can protect the health of your children and the health of the whole school community.

The phone number you can contact the school is: 2107778440

E-mail address is: mail@10dim-athin.att.sch.gr

                                                         The Headmistress

Παπαδημητρίου  Δήμητρα

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